one hundred eighteen

306 19 32

"Get up." Jimin begged, trying to pull Taehyung off the floor. Taehyung kicked Jimin's shins with a cry, eyes remaining closed as he sobbed. Jimin hissed painfully, watching Taehyung throw himself against the wall, slamming his head against it.

"S-she can't die!" Taehyung screamed, Jimin looking over at the closed door, thankful for the thick walls. "I can't lose her! Jimin! She's everything!"

'Get his mind off of her.' Jimin clenched his teeth, thinking of something, anything that could possibly take his mind-

Jimin ran over to the window in the room, pressing his face against the glass. There they were, the twins being watched by a nurse.

"Get up." Jimin pulled Taehyung by his wrist, dragging him across the floor until Taehyung finally stood to his feet. "You have kids." Jimin grabbed Taehyung's shirt, glaring at him. "They need their father."

Jimin pushed Taehyung into the next room, shutting the door behind him as the nurse stood. "Hi, I'm Park Jimin." He shook her hand, the lady old. "This is Kim Taehyung, the fath-"

"Father of the twins." The lady smiled and nodded. "I'll leave you two alone. I'll be just out of the room." She waved and left, Taehyung staring at the babies, slow tears falling down his face.

"Sit down." Jimin pointed to the couch, Taehyung backing up and sitting on the couch. Jimin walked up to the baby girl, taking a shaky breath. "Hello, little one." Jimin carefully picked her up, holding his breath as she looked up at him. "I'm Uncle Jiminie."

Taehyung had his hands on his mouth, watching Jimin carefully walk over to him. On his second step, the little girl burst into tears, screaming and crying. Her brother, still in his bed, sobbed as well, hearing his sister in distress and fear.

They were just babies. They didn't hear their mother's heartbeat anymore. This man holding her, that wasn't her mom. It wasn't at all.

Jimin handed her to Taehyung, Taehyung releasing a shaky exhale as he looked down at his baby girl.

"They have blue eyes."

"The brightest blue." Taehyung whispered, using his thumb to gentle wipe the tears from her tiny face.

"Little man." Jimin picked up the swaddled baby boy. "I'm Uncle Jiminie." He smiled down sadly. "I'll bring you to your Dad, okay?"

Taehyung sat there, holding both of his kids in his arms, smiling down at both of them, slowly looking at them as they cried. Jimin sat beside him, rubbing his back as he finally let his own tears fall down his face.

Taehyung was calmer now, now Jimin could deal with his own emotions.

Rebecca can't be dead. She, she just can't.

Jimin still remembers the day he put together the 'Jimin Package' for her. He remembered her wearing the Jimin sweatshirt, her phonecase, the necklace.

Her necklace....

She was wearing it today.

Jimin almost sobbed out if it wasn't for Taehyung.

"Shh, shh." He hummed softly, his deep voice causing a hiccup in the little girl's cries. "I know, I know, it's scary." He sighed sadly, his own lip quivering. Taehyung took a deep breath, looking over at his son. "But she'll be okay."

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