one hundred one

291 23 10

The old man who was just threatened by Taehyung, watched him walk off. Once he was for sure Taehyung was out of the picture, he rubbed his hands together and licked his lips. "It's show time."

(we're gonna call him Mr. Dickwad because i'd rather not name him)

Just as he was walking towards her, the actresses had to leave, leaving Rebecca on the dance floor, her about to walk back to her table. "Hi, how are you?" Mr. Dickwad made her stop her walk, on the outskirts of the dance floor now.

"Oh good." She smiled, his heart pounding faster. "And you?"

Hongjoong watched the two from his table, keeping a close eye. He couldn't exactly listen due to the music and other conversations, but he could watch. Taehyung had made eye contact with him earlier, gesturing to Rebecca, Hongjoong of course agreeing to look after her.

"You're an awfully fine woman." Mr. Dickwad ignored her question, taking a step forward, Rebecca almost immediately taking a step back. She hated it when people were in her personal space and is not ashamed to back away from that person.

"Oh," Her smile faltered, but she plastered another on. "Thank you." She didn't like his smell. It was an odd thing to judge by, but he smelt of cigars and dirt. She knew he was bad news.

"I bet I could treat you so well." He gabbed himself, adjusting his dick, Rebecca's finally letting her smile fade. "Why don't you let me show you?"

"Alright." Hongjoong got up, pushing himself forward to intercept, but a crowd blocked his path. No matter how hard he tried, there was another person in his way, stopping him. He mumbled curses under his breath, deciding on the long way around, praying he'll get there in time.

"I have a boyfriend I'm sorry." Rebecca's heart pounded, hurting her physically. The man grabbed her waist and she pushed him away, still slowly backing up.

"That doesn't matter to me." He spoke a bit louder, his hands gluing onto her waist and wrist. Her eyes were full of fear, unable to loosen his grip. No one seemed to notice, no one seemed to care if they did notice. Where is Taehyung?

"But-" She tried, tears threatening to spill as he pressed his waist closer to her's, the floof of her dress the only boundary as of now.

"Just give me a kiss Princess." He closed his eyes and pursed his lips, leaning closer. Rebecca squeezed her eyes shut and leaned as far away from him as she could. But -

"Oi!" A third party came, shoving Mr. Dickwad away from her, but he held her wrist tight. "Back off." Amber Liu glared at the man, standing tall. "She said she has a boyfriend!" Rebecca whimpered softly, trying to pry his hand off her wrist, hurting her greatly with his nails. Amber's eyes sparked, stepping forward at the man, him letting go of Rebecca. Amber pulled Rebecca behind her, not taking her eyes off the perv.

"Who do you think-" Mr. Dickwad took a step forward, Amber standing her ground, not a falter in her face as he stood taller.

"Get the hell away before I shove my foot so far up your ass you can see the sparkles of my heel if you open your mouth." Jamie Park stood between him and Amber, her short height a complete opposite of the threat spilling out of her mouth. Mr. Dickwad's face crumbled to nothing and spun on his heel, disappearing in the crowd. "That's what I thought."

"Hey are you alright?" Amber's voice was a thousand times softer as she put her hands on Rebecca's shoulders, peering down to her face. "Your wrist?" Rebecca took a shaky breath, showing the little dots of blood on her wrist from his nails ... he did not want to let go.

"I'll smash his teeth." Jamie growled, about to follow the man, but Amber held her back, Hongjoong jogging to them.

"Jesus." He gasped softly, pulling a tissue from his pocket and handing it to Rebecca, her forcing deep breaths into her chest, wiping away the blood. "I got here as soon as I could but there was a crowd-"

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