thirty two

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"I heard you had a rough night last night." Taehyung spoke softly into the phone as he walked down the street, taking a pleasent stroll down the street. "Are you okay Freckles?"

"Yeah," Rebecca looked down at her wrapped wrist. "I'm okay now." Taehyung believed her. She sounded at ease.

"Tell me about your day." Taehyung grinned, kicking a rock down the street. "What did you do today?" It was early morning for Taehyung, late night for Rebecca.

"Well, I worked my first shift at my new job." Rebecca smiled, rubbing Ozzy's ear slowly, the dog asleep in her lap. "I got a job as a waitress at a local diner. Everyone there is super nice and really chill. I really like it there."

"That sounds amazing Becca Ba-" Taehyung cleared his throat, stopping himself. "I'm so glad you like your job. And if your coworkers are creepy like the previous guy-"

"I'll punch him and send him your way." Rebecca smiled, nodding, remembering what Taehyung had told her not too long ago. "All the waitresses are girls and the guys work in the kitchen. All the girls are badass and the guys are super sweet. Zack is really cute-"

"Becca," Taehyung interrupted her, not wanting to hear about some other guy. "Who's your bias?"

"M-my bias?" The question completely caught her off guard. "Well, uhm...actually I don't want to-"

"Oh come on." Taehyung chuckled softly. "It won't offend me."

"I know it won't offend you because..." She drifted off and Taehyung's mind clicked.

"I'm your bias?!" He stopped his walk and smiled widely, his mouth open a bit. He waited for clarification, but her silence was pushing him more to the yes.

"You are."

"Oh ho!" Taehyung did a little jump and resumed his walk, a smile never leaving his face. "I'm your favorite?"

"It''s not like that." Rebecca sighed, rubbing her forehead. "I love all of you, really. I support all of you so much. It's just, you catch my eye more than they do." Taehyung grinned and shook his head softly, biting his lip. "I love you all, really, and I don't want the others to think I love them less than another and I just, you're really pretty."

Taehyung has never felt better about himself his entire life. Hearing her compliment him, man, he could walk on air.

"You're prettier." Taehyung scrunched his nose as he smiled, imagining her dimples and freckles. And-oh my gosh-her eyes. Her green eyes...

Wait, he's seen them blue before-

"Noooo." Rebecca leaned back on her couch, her heart fluttering. It was her bias after all. "No I think you're prettier."

"Fine, you're prettiest." Taehyung turned onto the street of their apartment. "No arguing, I'm older."

"Why is everyone saying that?" Rebecca giggled, a blush clearly on her face as she waved at Spots, him too crawling onto her lap, curling beside Ozzy. "Even Jungkook is using that as an excuse."

"Because you're our baby."

Rebecca's eyebrow twitched.

"I'm a what?"


"I don't know how to feel about this." Oh she knew how she felt about this alright.

"Are you blushing?" Taehyung grinned, loving the flustered energy he was getting.

"W-what?! No!"

"You're slurring your words. Your speech is getting sloppy." Taehyung didn't let these things slide. She spoke quickly now, almost talking as if she had no spaces between her words. "You're flustered."

"I don't-I'm going to go to bed Tae-"

"Awh, Tae?" Taehyung continued to tease her, knowing his power, knowing what he was saying.

"Goodnight!" She squeaked and slammed the end button, tossing her phone to the side. It took everything inside her not to text literally everyone she knows to tell them that Kim Taehyung himself called her their baby-

Oh my gosh was he flirting?


"Guess what motherfuckers!"

"Kick my door open one more time Kim Taehyung!"

"I'm Becca's bias!"

"Shut up."

"You're lying."

"Nope! You all suck."

"You can't be her bias if I murder you."


"Namjoon put down the toaster!"

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