one hundred five

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"Becca!" Taehyung ran into the field, Rebecca turning her head from on top of the horse.

"Hi Tae!" She laughed from the horse, Eonjin on her own horse beside her. "Look! I'm riding a horse!"

"Come on Bex!" Jeonggyu ran over on top of his horse. "Let's show Taehyung what you can do!" Rebecca flicked the reigns lightly, her horse walking forward, following the middle child.

"You're welcome." Eonjin jumped down from her horse, beside Taehyung. "Why didn't you tell Mom and Dad about her?"

"I thought they would've reacted better." Taehyung watched Rebecca ride the horse, a smile on her face the whole time.

Eonjin whacked Taehyung's head. "Are you stupid! Has it really been that long of not being around Mom and Dad?" Eonjin frowned and crossed her arms. "Stupid."

"They said they'll apologize and be more open now." Taehyung rubbed his head. "Besides, it's Becca. a you can't hate her."

"That's true." Eonjin waved back at Becca. "She's a sweet girl."

"You should've seen her at the Ball." Taehyung smiled, turning to his sister. "Everyone wanted to be her friend, everyone." Taehyung turned back to his girlfriend. "She just has that affect on people."

"Taehyung!" Mom snapped from back at the house. "Bring her back in!"


Rebecca sat quietly, too afraid to eat the food in front of her. In fact, no one around the table ate, they just sat in uncomfortable silence.

Taehyung cleared his throat, giving his mom a look. She sighed and shoved a piece of broccoli in her mouth. "I'm sorry."

"Wh-what?" Rebecca jumped slightly, everyone looking at her. "Me?"

"Yes!" The mother snapped with a roll of her eyes, Rebecca's heart wrenching inside of her. Taehyung nudged his mother's foot, the mom sighing. "Sorry again."

"Oh no please don't apologize!" Rebecca scooted back a bit in her chair, shocked. "It's okay, really. I know I'm American and not what you wanted and I'm so sorry that I'm not up to your standards and I'll definitely be better-"

"Becca," Taehyung held her hand. "Don't apologize. You did nothing." Her lips moved, eyes wide in surprise as she held his eyes.

"No no it's my fault-"

"Becca no." Taehyung's voice grew sad, eyebrows pressed together in concern. "It's not your fault, please don't blame yourself."

"O-oh," Her lips began to tremble and she looked down, staring at her fork. "S-sorry, again."

Taehyung opened his mouth to reassure her again, but her hand slipped through his, landing in her lap, under the table.

"I work here, on the farm." The father spoke up, changing the topic. Rebecca's eyes shot up, keeping a polite stare on him, nodding along to whatever he said. "Since I was, uh, boy." The English was slow and the accent was strong, but he could speak it. "Farm, humble ... but, uh, we strong." He nodded, smiling proudly.

"It's a wonderful farm." Rebecca responded politely, keeping her shaking hands below the table. "I grew up with a farm job."

"Oh really?" The father carried on the conversation, the first to resume eating, the food cold, but not a complaint from anyone. "What, job?"

"I milked, the cows?" Rebecca explained slowly, the father smiling and nodding.

"We have, food, uh uhm, crops!" He glanced over at his youngest son who nodded. "Horses as too."

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