eighty four

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Rebecca skipped through her house, getting the food from the fridge and started cutting them to the sizes, a huge smile on her face.

It was nearing comeback season and texts from Taehyung and the boys were getting less and less frequent. Yesterday, she only got a goodmorning and goodnight text from Taehyung.

It hurt a little, but Rebecca reminded herself that it was his job. This is what she got herself into when she said yes to being his girlfriend.

And waiting several weeks for a five minute FaceTime was all she got for their four month anniversary, well, that's how it was.

Taehyung and Rebecca planned on having a dinner date together over FaceTime. Dinner for Taehyung at least.

It was two am for Rebecca.

And she decided that she's going all out. A nice dress, hair, make-up, everything about her has to be perfect for tonight.

It was five am when she got the FaceTime call from Taehyung. Three hours of hard work and preparation finally led to this moment. Rebecca was ready, she had her phone set up and waiting, the food in front of her, make-up done, and a smile on her face.

"Hi Bub-"

"Becca love I have to cancel." Taehyung sounded a little out of breath, the FaceTime call on his end paused, not even letting Rebecca see his face. "Something came up-"

"Hey don't worry about it." Rebecca smiled, her eyes burning, nose getting stuffy. "I'm sure we can just resched-"

"You're the best." He gasped and hung up, leaving Rebecca staring at herself through her phone.

Tears fell from her face as she tugged off the fake eyelashes, wiping the blush and tears off her face.

"He didn't even say sorry, or I love you." Rebecca cried softly, rubbing her lipstick off with a napkin. "He didn't even see me." She shoved the plate of food away from her, her heart wrenching inside of her. "We planned this for weeks and he just..." Rebecca covered her face with her hands.

Three hours of preparation and excitement led to heart break and disappointment.

And, one phone call she did not expect.

"Yoongi?" Rebecca cleared her throat as she answered the phone, pressing it against her ear.

"Hey Becca." Yoongi sighed from his side. "I just heard about Taehyung and wanted to make sure you're okay." Rebecca looked down and wiped away some tears.

"Yeah I'm fine." She spoke with fake happiness. "I mean, things happen right? So why should I get upset over them?" Yoongi then sent a request for a FaceTime call, and Rebecca grimaced.

"Show me your face." Yoongi narrowed his eyes through the screen, Rebecca having her phone angled at the ceiling. Rebecca slowly held up the phone, Yoongi not even flinching at her mess of tears and make-up. "Okay here's the plan. I go steal some of Jin's leftovers from take out last night and we can have a little pow wow."

"Yoongi," Rebecca stopped Yoongi in his tracks, him setting his headphones down gently. "You don't have to do this."

"Oh but I want to." Yoongi smiled for the both of them. "We haven't had a meal together in a long time. I miss talking with you." He started to walk to the kitchen now, Rebecca not knowing what to say.

"I look horrible." Rebecca rubbed her cheeks. "I took off all my make-up."

"And?" Yoongi shut the fridge door. "You look beautiful." Rebecca stopped rubbing her cheeks to stare at the food on her plate.

"Yoongs, I'm going to go change and wash my face really quick."

Yoongi hummed, putting the take out on a plate and warming it up, the house silent. He silently cursed out Taehyung. He had went out drinking with his friends earlier and forgot about his 'date' with Rebecca. Of course a little lie had to get him out of the shit he was in.

Taehyung was drunk, Yoongi knew that. And he better fucking regret it in the morning.

Or Yoongi would make sure he felt the pain he inflicted onto Rebecca.

i really wish i had a yoongi like this after i got dumped

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