one hundred nineteen

335 24 37

Rebecca took a deep breath,


and she gasped, real air flowing into her lungs, her eyes opening to a bright light.

"We've got her!"


"blah blah weak heart blah blah blah blood shortage."

Taehyung turned his head away from the doctors, going back to stroking Rebecca's hair. She laid in the bed, eyes closed, but most definitely alive.

"You did it Becca." Taehyung whispered, a broken smile on his face. "You're here."

She groaned softly, moving her head a little bit, Taehyung got off the bed, standing beside her, holding her hand with both of his. "Ta... Tae?"

"Hi baby." Taehyung's tears fell down his face at hearing her voice. She's okay. She's alive.

"Tae." Her face broke down, everything crumbling. "The doctor said I can't have kids." Her hand weakly grabbed his wrist, squeezing it weakly. "I wanna be a mom!" She sobbed, hurting her so, so much. All she ever wanted to do is be a mom. And hearing that she didn't have kids broke her.

"You are baby." Taehyung frowned, deeply confused. "You have a daughter and a son."

"What?" Now it was Rebecca's turn to be confused. She didn't have kids... It was a failure of a delivery.

Taehyung stood up and walked over to where the kids were sleeping, picking them both up and walking over to Rebecca.

She started to cry again, her hand covering her mouth once she saw the babies. A shaky exhale left her lips once she held her kids, looking between them through tears.

"They're beautiful." Rebecca looked up at Taehyung. He smiled down at her, pushing a stand of hair from her face.

"They get that from their momma."


"You were worried about me?" Rebecca smiled at Taehyung's mom, her head leaned back into the bed, still very weak.

"I... I was concerned for the babies." She held her head high, her grandson in her arms. Taehyung's mom nibbled on her lip, glancing down at the baby. "Yes of course I was worried about you." She kissed Rebecca's forehead, just like a mom would do. "I can't lose my daughter-in-law."

Rebecca smiled up at her mother-in-law, the only mother figure she'll have from now on. The two smiled at each other until  the father walked over with his granddaughter.

"They have..." He looked up at Rebecca. "Blue eyes."

"I'm sorry Sir it's-" Rebecca tried, lifting her head from her pillow.

"It's beautiful." He had tears streaming down his face, surprising Rebecca and Taehyung. "Please, it's (first name). Not Sir."

And everything with family was perfect.

Rebecca was finally accepted.


"If you have more kids, you will die." The doctor flipped a paper on his clipboard. "You can still have sex but you better be darn sure that condom doesn't break."

Rebecca took a shaky breath and nodded, Taehyung holding her hand. "We can always adopt." She looked up at Taehyung. "If we want to."

"Of course we can." Taehyung smiled. "Everything is okay Baby. We're okay." He bent down to kiss her, Becca smiling through the kiss.

"She'll be weak for a while." The doctor continued, looking mainly at Taehyung. "We'll keep her here for an extra day, but you need to keep a close eye on her." The doctor hugged his clipboard, almost glaring at Taehyung. "Do not let her fall."

"I won't."

Everyone jumped once someone banged on the glass to the door. There was Jungkook, his big doe eyes peeking through the blinds, Jin running to him from behind before dragging the youngest away.

"When can my friends come in?" Rebecca looked over at the doctor.

"I suppose now."



"No." Taehyung crossed his arms.

"It'll be really quick."

"I said no."


"Jungkook I will take him away from you." Taehyung narrowed his eyes. Jungkook wanted to reenact the Lion Kong scene with the babies, but no way in hell is Taehyung letting his kids in the slightest bit of harms way.

"They're beautiful Becca." Amber smiled down at the baby girl, Jamie cooing at it from beside her. "You and Taehyung have good genes."

"It's just Tae-"

"Nah it's all Becca." Jamie nodded, keeping a pleasant smile on her face. "Taehyung is an ugly bitch."

Hoseok laughed once he saw Taehyung's face, Becca smiling at everyone. They all wanted to hold the babies and in order to keep things fair, they had to have a timer for each turn. Jin got a little too upset once he found out Yoongi held the baby boy longer than he did.

"Okay, we need to wrap things up." Taehyung spoke up, everyone narrowing their eyes at him. "Becca is falling asleep and she needs the rest."

Rebecca blinked several times, looking up at Taehyung. "Wha... no I'm fine they can stay-"

"We'll leave Bex." Namjoon reassured, Jamie and Jungkook returning the babies to their cribs. "We'll come again tomorrow."

"Hey," Jimin frowned, everyone stopping their goodbyes. "What are their names?"

"Mina." Taehyung smiled at Becca, her nodding with a smile. "And Junsu."

one or two more chapters left :(

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