thirty eight

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Yoongi couldn't keep a smile off his face as he drove, the motorcycle keep them both steady the whole time. He could feel how tense Rebecca was behind him, his stomach being squeezed to the limit.

"How are you doing?" He called out, not letting his eyes stray from the road. He's got someone special with him, he can't risk an accident.

"I hate this." Rebecca shouted, her arms somehow tightening even more. "Fuck all of this fuck fuck fuck."

"Calm down Bex." Yoongi tapped his helmet against her's. "I know you have your eyes closed, open them and look at the city you goofball."

"Hell no I'm fucking terrifed." Rebecca kept her helmet against Yoongi's giving her comfort with just that touch. "Stop talking and focus on the road please please please." Yoongi laughed at her words, but doing as she asked, stopping the conversation.

It was a few more minutes to BTS' favorite cafe. It felt like hours to Rebecca. She didn't like the no seatbelts, she didn't like the no doors, she didn't like the wind slamming into her. She didn't like any of it.

"Becca, we're here." Yoongi smiled, the both still sat on the motorcycle, Yoongi's right leg on the ground, balancing them both. Rebecca was still holding onto Yoongi tightly, her eyes shut as well. "You can let go." He took off his helmet, Rebecca's foot touching the ground behind his, her arms slowly releasing his toroso.

"I hate you, that was horrible." Rebecca's shaking hand unclipped the helmet from beneath her chin, tugging it off her head, her hair everywhere. "I'm never doing that again."

"But you did it." Yoongi took the helmet from her hands and laid it on the handle. He offered her a hand as she climbed off the motorcycle, her limbs a bit shaky.

"Bex!" Namjoon ran over from the Mustang with a smile. "How was-oh." He wrapped his arms around her as she ran into his arms, hugging him tightly. "Not good?"

"It was horrible!" Rebecca whined lightly, pointing at Yoongi. "How dare you." Everyone knew she was just joking and all, Yoongi laughing as he raised his hands in defeat. "I'm not riding that thing again." Namjoon rubbed her back one last time before she released the hug, him keeping his arm around her shoulder.

"Well let's get some coffee and then we can talk some more."


"A girl?" The old woman from behind the counter exclaimed as they all walked in, Jimin opening the door for all but Taehyung who was the last to enter. Taehyung tripped Jimin and then they were even, receiving a look from Jin. "How did you get roped into those seven?" Rebecca smiled, looking up at Namjoon who laughed, the old lady giving off a warm grandma vibe.

"Honestly, I don't even know." Rebecca laughed, standing before the lady. "I'm Rebecca."

"You can call me Nan." The older woman held out a hand, surprising Rebecca with her strong grip. "What can I get you all today?" After some small talk and the orders, the eight of them found themselves at a table, this small cafe empty beside them. It's why BTS loves it so much, no one ever came here.

"Bex," Jimin leaned forward, his Americano in his hands. "I've been dying to ask you this."

"Mhm." Rebecca hummed, sipping her frappe.

"What was your favorite book you wrote about us?" Jimin smiled, wonder and excitement in his eyes. Hoseok hid his smile by taking another drink of his coffee, Taehyugn snickering behind his smoothie.

"Solo?" Rebecca's cheeks held a blush, feeling a bit awkward.

"Oooo, yeah." Jimin nodded quickly, his feet tapping the ground.

"Well, I love writing all of yours, a lot." Rebecca took another drink of her drink, avoiding the favorite question.

"Guys, we all know I'm the favorite one she writes about." Jungkook leaned back in his chair, streching his arms above his head. "Right Bex?"

"Actually, I kill you the most in my books." Rebecca didn't realize the words until they came out. "Wait that sounds horrible-"

"You kill me?!" Jungkook raised his voice, leaning forward, his streches cut short. "Explain more."

"Well, uhm, there's this one book where you're a serial killer and the girl has to try to make you more 'human', if you will. And she kinda fails and you go crazy and she has to kill you to save a bunch of people you're about to kill. Oh and to make it sadder, you two were dating." Everyone was quiet after Rebecca finished, Rebecca innocently drinking her coffee. "What?"

"Was it sad?" Jungkook stared Rebecca dead in the eyes. "Did the readers feel my pain?"

"Mhm." Rebecca shook her head quickly. "Definitely. Because you trusted the girl with everything and you didn't expect her to pull out a gun and shoot you. Your last words were, 'You had a gun?' And like, then you fell and you were dead." Rebecca nodded again, Jungkook smiling widely.

"High five." He reached over and she did as told, smiling as well. "What was your favorite death scene." Rebecca wasted no time in pointing to Jimin, his eyes widening in betrayal.

"Me?!" He pointed to himself, swallowing his coffee quickly. Rebecca giggled and nodded.

"It was fun. You got really good last words don't worry." Rebecca reassured, Hoseok mimicking Jimin's face. "It was like, I think you told Taehyung, 'take care of her' or wait..." Rebecca frowned, looking up at the ceiling. "It might've been to your girlfriend, 'I love you' or something, let me check." Rebecca pulled out her phone, Namjoon watching from beside her as she quickly scrolled through Wattpad, her fingers fast.

"That's a lot of reads." Namjoon's eyebrows shot up as he caught the number on one of the chapters. "Damn you're famous."

"No." Rebecca shook her head, clicking on chapter 73. "Here Jimin. You were in a fight with your girlfriend and blah blah blah you got shot and blah blah blah. And then you say, 'I have always loved you.' And then you're dead." Jimin's jaw dropped, sitting back in his chair. 

"Are you always this evil during deaths?" Jin spoke for Jimin, Jimin's mouth still open, staring at Rebecca, hoping she'll look at him. "Like damn."

"Yeah, I am." She rubbed the back of her neck. "I like guys." Her beautiful laugh echoed, the boys following suit. "Listen, I like being a monster."

"You're not a monster." Namjoon shook his head, Rebecca looking up at him, her eyes sliding right past Jimin who sat right across from her.

"I don't think I've ever killed you."

"Well, uhm, thanks?"

"What about me?"

"You're a cat in one of my books."


i do be living that single life huh

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