fifty seven

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Rebecca hummed as she walked into Yoongi's room, flicking on the lights as well, stumbling slightly into the door frame. Jimin and her got back about twenty minutes or so, and she passed Yoongi in the kitchen. She wanted to work on the song he's been teaching her.

That and she hoped it'd ease her headache.

She didn't really know what it was. It just was here when she woke up. Her and her blurry vision.

Her head bonked the piano once she leaned forward a bit too far while she sat down. "Ow." She mumbled very softly, rubbing her forehead. 

A long sigh later, she had her fingers laid where they needed to be and her foot by the pedal. She played slowly compared to Yoongi. The speed was because of inexperience and her dizziness.

The keys halted once a furry little head rubbed against her bare ankles. Rebecca peeked down, keeping her feet in place but moving her knees in the process. There stood a little kitty. Through the silence of the keys, Rebecca could hear the cat purring as he/she rubbed themself against her leg.

"Hi Kitty." Rebecca smiled, her voice just above a whisper. The cat's purring stopped and his/her whole body tensed up. Yoongi crossed his arms, watching from the doorway, his eyes drifting between his cat and Rebecca. "I'm sorry Kitty." Rebecca's words surprised both Yoongi and the cat. "I didn't-" Rebecca's words caught in her throat as the cat relaxed again, purring once more. "May I pick you up?" Rebecca let her fingers trace the cat's back gently. Her fingers slowly wrapped around the cat's torso, lifting him/her up to her chest, hugging the cat to her. "You're so beautiful my Dear."

Yoongi tiled his head, watching her treat the cat as if it was a child to be sheltered

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Yoongi tiled his head, watching her treat the cat as if it was a child to be sheltered. She was so gentle, so loving. So, so perfect. "She likes you." Rebecca turned her head, careful to make sure the little cat doesn't get moved around too much.

"You never told me you had a little kitty." Rebecca turned forward once more as Yoongi walked close. She blinked, trying to get the fuzzy outline out of her sight. "Nor did you mention she was blind."

"She never touches anyone but me." Yoongi smiled, sitting beside Rebecca on the piano bench. "Is it wrong to be jealous?"

"Oh you can have her back, I'm sorry." Rebecca turned towards him, placing the cat in his arms. "I just, gave her some company."

"Her name is May." Yoongi stroked the cat's head, smiling down at his pet. "Reminds me of flowers."

"That's so sweet." Rebecca smiled lovingly at the cat purring in his arms. "How long has she been blind?"

"Since birth." Yoongi nodded, May laying her head on his arm. "She's my special flower."

"Absolutely adorable." Rebecca nodded once, turning back to the piano. "I've practice."

"Practiced." Yoongi corrected, his petting on May slowing as he watched Rebecca put her fingers on the keys. She was wrong, three notes off. He waited for her to notice, but she started playing, ignoring the funky sounds...or maybe not noticing them. "Becca, you're playing the wrong keys."

"I am?" She frowned stopping, to squint at the music. "Oh I guess I am." Yoongi looked at her lips. They were chapped. Her hands were cold looking. And her whole face, usually tan and healthy looking, it was pale. And to top it off? She couldn't process the sheet music.

"Becca, are you feeling alright?" Yoongi reached his hand out, placing it on top of her hands, stopping her from playing any longer.

"I'm just a little dizzy." She took her hands from the keys, setting them in her lap. "I have a headache. I don't know, maybe the travelling is catching up with me."

"You look horrible." Yoongi sat May down on the ground gently, patting her head before standing. "Come on, you need to lay down." Rebecca put her hands in his and let him lead her to his bed, laying down beneath his covers. "I'm going to go get Jin, okay? I'll be right back." Rebecca nodded, closing her eyes, the covers pulled up to her chin.

Rebecca pulled the covers down once Yoongi left the room. She sighed and sat up, rubbing her temples slowly.

God this sucks.

It wasn't long before Yoongi returned with Jin, Jin caring a whole bunch of things in his arms.

"Woah woah, what are you doing?" He frowned, setting the stuff down on the desk. "Lay down. From what Yoongi has told me, you are not to be doing anything but resting."

"Yoongi doesn't know what he's talking about." Rebecca sent Yoongi a teasing glance, swinging her legs to the side of the bed. "I just need an Aspirin and I'll be fine."

"I don't know how you country folk handle sickness," Jin picked up Rebecca's feet and put them back on the bed, gently pushing her onto her back. "But us city folk take sickness pretty seriously."

"Jin-" Rebecca tried to protest, but Jin pulled up the pillows, laying a washcloth on her head after feeling it.

"You have a fever." Jin turned around, pouring some pills into his hands, six total. Yoongi handed him the glass of water he was in charge of, staying quiet and letting Jin take care of this. Yoongi doesn't even know how to take care of himself, he certainly can't take of her when she's sick.

"Can I please sit up?" Rebecca asked from beneath the covers. Jin hummed in thought, finally nodding.

"Only for the pills."

"Jin." Rebecca held the cloth against her head. "I once had band camp for an entire week, outside for 12 hours a day for five days straight. Then after that I woke at 4 in the morning to milk four four hours and then going straight to an all day swim meet." Rebecca pushed the pills away. "I'm fine. This is just a cold or whatever." Jin narrowed his eyes.

"How did that end?" Jin knew he got her when she lowered her eyes.

"I had heat exhaustion..."

"Mhm, that's what I thought." Jin opened up Rebecca's hand, laying the pills in them. "There's Aspirin, stuff for dizziness, and stomach pains." Jin looked at his watch, holding the water until she took it from him. "You can have more Aspirin in four hours."

"I don't want to be in bed all day." Rebecca took the pills, two at a time, flinching as she swallowed. Her and pills did not get along well. "Please let me out."

"You are to stay here for at least two hours." Jin took the glass back after she was finished with all six pills. "Then we'll see how you're feeling."


"It's only won't miss much." Jin reassured, patting her shoulder. "If you sleep, time goes by faster." Jin turned to Yoongi. "She's so stubborn, it's adorable."

"Woah woah." Rebecca interrupted as Yoongi smiled, nodding along. "Wait no. I don't understand Korean." Jin smiled, winking once.

"That's the point."

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