one hundred two

309 23 10

"Taehyung." Rebecca grabbed his hand, Taehyung turning his head from the window, the lights no longer receiving his full attention. "This was one of the best nights of my life, thank you."

"What was your best?" Taehyung turned towards her, placing his hand on top of her's.

"The night we kissed." Rebecca scooted closer to him, hugging his arm and leaning her head on his shoulder, her favorite way to hold him.

" 'And at last I see the lights,' " Taehyung hummed softly, letting his eyes close, remembering the night just as she was.

Amazing it is, how much happiness the smallest things can bring. Just sitting with each other, their song being sung, those two had such a smile on their faces. The memories of that night still fresh in their mind as they walked to the apartment, Rebecca holding her heels in one hand, the bottom of her dress with her other.

"It's quiet." Rebecca whispered, walking into the dark apartment, Taehyung flicking on the lights after he shut the door. "This is weird." Then she stopped walking, noticing the walls were a different color. "Wait-"

"Oh yeah we're at my place." Taehyung slipped off his shoes, picking them up. "I figured if we went back to their place, I wouldn't get a proper conversation all night."

"But they're waiting for us." Rebecca laughed, walking into the family room, Taehyung flicking on more lights.

"I think they have enough brain cells to put two and two together." Taehyung took off his jacket, leading the way down to the hallway. "Come on, let's put on something more comfortable."


"Tae Tae Tae Tae Tae Tae Tae." Rebecca chanted while she aimlessly walked in a circle, waiting for Taehyung to finish getting changed. "Tae Tae Tae Tae Tae-Ooo Tannie!" Rebecca picked up the little dog, and resumed her task.

"Alright alright." Taehyung walked out from the bathroom, finished brushing his teeth. "What do you want Loud Mouth?"

"Well you're pants are too big." Rebecca pulled at the waist band of his sweatpants, looking down at how much space there was between the material and her. "And you have a weird knot tied in them, so can you tighten it pleaseeeee?" Rebecca held Yeontan, lifting up his shirt that she wore so he could see the knot.

"This was the reason you chanted my name for three minutes?" Taehyung chuckled, untying the knot of his sweatpants, Rebecca kissing Yeontan's head.

"Yes, it is a very important matter because every time I took a step, the pants fell down." Rebecca let go of her shirt so she could run her fingers through his hair, the shirt hiding the strings from Taehyung's view.

Taehyung yanked on the strings, Rebecca stumbling into him because of the strength of that tug. "Is that such a bad thing though?" He mumbled, keeping his eyes down as he tied the now tightened strings.

Rebecca tilted his chin up, kissing him just as he finished tying the strings. He pulled her closer, eyes closed as he kissed her.

"We haven't had a sweet kiss like this in a while." Rebecca smiled against his lips. "I like these kisses." Rebecca yelped as Taehyung dipped her low, Yeontan almost falling out of her arms as he did so, capturing her in another romantic kiss.

"Was that sweet enough for you?" Taehyung smiled agianst her lips, Rebecca still being dipped by him.

"Very." Rebecca smiled, holding Yeontan tightly. "Now stand me up Bubs." Taehyung did as told, sitting down on his bed as he watched Rebecca run off, out of the room.

"How did I get so lucky?" He couldn't stop smiling as he giggled to himself, laying back on the bed, covering his face.

"I can't believe I'm 23." Rebecca skipped into the room, holding a speaker and her phone. "I'm getting old. Not as old as you, but old."

"I'm one year, 11 months, and 22 days older than you." Taehyung sat up, watching her connect the speaker and phone. (i don't know if that's correct lol)

"Yeah," Rebecca grinned and glanced up at Taehyung. "You're old."

Before Taehyung could reply, Rebecca started the song, turning up the volume. He recognized the song almost immediately. It was Rebecca's favorite song as of now, Wild Heart by The Vamps.

She jumped a little in excitement, picking up Yeontan and started to dance with the little dog.

Taehyung grabbed his phone and sat it up on his desk, pressing the record button. Just before the melody, Taehyung ran over and gave Rebecca a back hug, the two dancing together. He spun her, right as the melody started.

"Tonight we'll dance!" The two sang together, jumping up and down before singing, "I'll be your's and you'll be mine!" For they pointed at themselves and then each other, smiles as bright as the sun.

"We won't look back, take my hand and we will shine." The two held hands, spinning in circles and jumping, having their own little party.

"She needs a wild heart, she needs a wild heart, I got a wild heart." Taehyung sang this part, Rebecca too busy laughing as the spins slowly slowed. Rebecca sat Yeontan down and Taehyung pulled her in, holding her as if they were going to slow dance. Instead, they did a very aggressive, bouncy version of that.

The two couldn't sing anymore, two busy laughing, a bit out of breath, but it was mostly because of laughing.

Towards the end of the song, when it was just vocals, they clapped their hands to the beat, shouting the lyrics at the top of their lungs before resuming they're crazy dance, Yeontan jumping and barking with them, him not fully understanding what was happening, but enjoying the jumping.

And as of the grand finale, the two tripped over each other's feet, falling to the ground, just as the song ended.


"Oh my God." You, an ARMY choked out, your drink almost spitting from your mouth as you watched the two fall to the ground as they song ended, you laughing with them.

You retweeted the video, about to close out of the app. But the caption stopped you.

"Happy birthday my love. The Winter Ball could never compare to this."

sincerely, rWhere stories live. Discover now