forty three

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"You gotta plop the butter on." Rebecca smeared the butter across the hot irons, the butter melting instantly. BTS all followed suit. "Spread it around." Rebecca moved the iron around, and moved Jimin's hand away from the butter. "Not, with your fingers."

"Sorry." He smiled sheepishly, following Rebecca's movement with the iron. The boys all put the bread down as Rebecca did, following with pizza sauce, pepperoni and cheese.

"Now we put it over the fire." Rebecca sat down on the bench, Hoseok sitting beside her immediately. "Make sure you flip and rotate it so both sides get cooked."

"A B C D E F G." Taehyung sang, bopping side to side.

"H I J K L M N O P." Hoseok joined in, doing some dances in place.

"Q R S T U V W X Y Z." Namjoon joined in, all three of them giggling proudly.

Fast forward several minutes later and everyone had a iron pizza on their plate and some chips. Rebecca smiled, watching the boys all take a bite.

"Oh wow, this really is good." Jin commented, covering his mouth while he talked. "And it's so easy to make too." Rebecca nodded along, yet to take a bit of hers. She laughed once she saw Jungkook pulled the pizza from his mouth, the cheese stretching no matter how far he stretched.

"Say 'ah.'" Yoongi tilted Rebecca's chin up slightly, holding her pizza up for her.

"Noo." Rebecca shut her mouth, reaching for her pizza. "I can eat myself-" Yoongi was relentless, grinning while moving the pizza every time she reached for it. "I'm going to sue you Min Yoongi."

"You gotta open your mouth before you can do anything." He teased, the members watching silently. Rebecca was so embarrassed. God she's never been fed anything, and being fed by Min fucking Yoongi. Yeah, she was mortified.

Yoongi surrendered her pizza once she took a bite, her face bright red and hands a bit shaky from nerves. Jimin sat on the other side of her, his chewing paused by the interaction between the two. His eyes caught the chain around her neck, the very familiar chain that's been around his neck many times before.

He chewed the rest of the pizza in his mouth and swallowed, making sure his hands were clean as well. A soft smile danced across his lips once he let his fingers graze against the chain, touching her neck as well. Rebecca stopped chewing and let her eyes land on Jimin. He pulled at the chain gently, pulling until the necklace came up from under her shirt.

"Jimin?" Rebecca mumbled, confused as to what he was doing. Jimin let go of the necklace and smiled up at her.

"I just wanted to see if you were wearing it or not." Jimin pinched her cheek lightly, Rebecca frozen. "I'm glad you're wearing it." Namjoon threw his napkin at Jimin, hitting him on the head.

"Stop touching her, both of you." Namjoon had a sour look on his face, Rebecca unable to speak. "Bex, come sit next to me." He pushed Jungkook out of his chair. "Go sit where she's sitting." Jungkook stuck his tongue out before complying, Rebecca taking Jungkook's seat in the lawn chair. Yoongi kept his eyes away from Namjoon, knowing he'll just get a glare from him. Jimin stuffed his mouth, avoiding talking and explaining himself.

"You know the hardest part about all of this, you coming here," Taehyung spoke up, changing the topic. "Was convincing Bang to give us a week off."

"How did you convince him?" Rebecca smiled, slowly relaxing once again, taking another bite from her pizza.

"We persuaded him with our beautiful voices and amazing dance moves." Hoseok snapped his fingers on beat with his words, doing a little dance while he chewed. Rebecca looked over at Jin who nodded, a huge grin on his face.

"Apple bottom jeans!" They all shouted, all seven in Bang's office, singing along to the song. "Boots with the fur With the fur!" Jungkook started twerking in the middle of their dance circle, Hoseok joining him, no shame in either boy's face.

"If I give you a week off will you get out of my office?!"

"Ah, good memories." Jungkook smiled fondly, remembering the day as did everyone else. Taehyung nodded along, staring at Ozzy and Spots by Rebecca's feet.

"Becca!" Taehyung jumped to his feet, tossing his empty plate onto his chair. "You haven't met Yeontan yet!" Rebecca widened her eyes.

"I can meet him?" She gasped, watching Taehyung run off. "Oh my gosh I get to meet a celebrity." The rest of the boys gave Rebecca a look, half with their pizza still in their hands. Once Rebecca's mind clicked, she smiled. "Oh yeah."


"Yeontan," Taehyung spoke to his dog as he walked out of his room. "I have someone very, very special for you to meet." Taehyung stood outside the glass doors, smiling once he saw Rebecca laughing. "You need to be nice, got it? She's really nice and I think you'll like her too." Taehyung took a deep breath and released it, kissing the top of Yeontan's head, Yeontan breathing with his tongue hanging out. "I care about her a lot and I need you to not scare her, please." Yeontan barked, Taehyung moving forward. "Look who I have!" Taehyung stood before Rebecca, her plate below Namjoon's, him throwing her's away for her.

Rebecca looked up at Yeontan with wide eyes, the dog a total idol. She pulled the blanket on her lap higher, not knowing what else to do with her hands. Taehyung smiled his beautiful boxy smile, his cheeks scrunching his eyes closed as he placed Yeontan on Rebecca's lap. The boys all watched with wide smiles as well.

They were eager to see how Yeontan would react to Rebecca. He hates new people. It took him forever to warm up to everyone in Bangtan. They kinda hoped for Yeontan to jump off Rebecca's lap, but they also wanted to see a sentimental moment. Of course, with past experiences, they had little hope for the sentimental moment.

"Hi Yeontan." Rebecca spoked softly, her voice smooth and calm. She held out her hand for him, not touching him at all. Yeontan took a step forward, sniffing her hand for a few seconds.

'Oh my gosh he didn't bark at her.' Hoseok grinned, shaking Taehyung's arm excitedly, no one talking.

Yeontan licked her hand, pushing his head beneath her hand. Rebecca smile grew a bit, running her hand down his back. Yeontan walked in a small circle in her lap, laying down, Rebecca's fingers tracing up and down.

Everyone's jaw dropped.

"What?" Rebecca looked around, the tiny dog laying his head on her thigh.

"Yeontan hates new people." Namjoon explained, in awe just like everyone else. Taehyung grinned and leaned back in his chair.

'Alright Bex. You've won my heart and you've won my dog's heart as well.' He couldn't keep his eyes off the two things he loves most.

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