sixty six

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"Sophie, you don't have to." Rebecca mumbled, staring at the floor, her walk halted by the call of her closest friend. "I'm fine."

"Rebecca." Sophie's voice loud and clear, Rebecca closing her eyes. "I know for a fact you are not okay. Kathryn and you were so close. I'm coming whether you like it or not."

"I can buy you're plane ticket..." Rebecca rubbed her forehead, walking into her living room, sitting down at her piano.

"It's too expensive for you to buy."

"I'm not broke. I have money." Rebecca frowned, putting her phone on speaker, setting it on the piano.

"I know, but so do I." Sophie smiled sadly, already on her own computer, finding a plane ticket. "The UK isn't that far away from Virginia."

"I can ask Hoseok to buy you one." Rebecca's words made Sophie freeze.

"No, no. I haven't even met him. I don't-I can buy my own, seriously."

"Okay." Rebecca whispered, her fingers tracing the keys. "I'm going to go, okay? Let me know when you're going to land and I'll pick you up." Rebecca pressed E, the starting note of the song.

"Hey, did you talk to Taehyung yet?" Sophie spoke softly, easing him into the conversation. Rebecca regretted talking to Sophie about her pushing away her boyfriend. Sophie means well, but Rebecca has the confidence of a carrot, a very very sad and nervous carrot.

"I don't mean to sound like a bitch, but I'm burying my little sister in three days. My relationship with Taehyung is the least of my concern at the moment." Rebecca pressed G, A next. "Soph, I'm going to go, okay?"

"Hey, I'll text you later." Sophie bit her lip, regretting her words.

"Mhm, sleep well." Rebecca hung up, tossing her phone on to the phone, paying no attention to how harshly she threw it.

Three days...

It should've been 70 or more years.


"Hey Becca." Yoongi spoke gently, looking at the screen while Rebecca refused to make eye contact. "How are you doing?" Rebecca's eyes flickered to the screen, and that very moment gave Yoongi the answer.


"When's the last time you ate?" Yoongi saw how sunken her eyes were, her chapped lips, pale skin.

"The snickerdoodle cookies." Rebecca mumbled, rubbing her arm, shying away from Yoongi's widening eyes.

"That was two days ago!" Yoongi sat up straighter, his mouth fumbling for something to say. "Becca, you need to eat."

"I don't feel good." Rebecca closed her eyes, shaking her head side to side. "I don't want to eat."

"Well I'm making you eat." Yoongi frowned even deeper, Rebecca still shaking her head. "Go. Grab something. I don't care what it is, just get something in your system." Rebecca walked to the fridge, grabbing an apple. Yoongi kept his eyes narrow while she slowly ate it, trying to keep the worry out of his eyes.

Rebecca dropped the apple and doubled over in the sink, Yoongi closing his eyes as she puked, flinching with each pained noise.

"I'm buying us plane tickets. You can't take care of yourself." Yoongi pulled up the ticket sight. "What's your address, we'll rent a car."


"No, you don't get a say in this." Yoongi interrupted her. "You can't be alone, understand? Tell me your address or tell me someone that can." Rebecca mumbled out her address, wiping the tears from her face as she did so, Yoongi writing it down, nodding along. "We'll be there tomorrow."


"Go to bed."


Three knocks on the door sent Sophie running, opening the door to stop the noise. She expected some of Rebecca's co-workers, not BTS.

"H-hi." Sophie backed up, BTS standing still, waiting to be invited in. "I..she, didn't say anything..."

"Sophie?" Yoongi asked, pulling his mask down. Sophie nodded, lips parted slightly, her being an ARMY herself. "I didn't ask her for permission. She wasn't doing well when I called and remained stubborn as usual." Sophie nodded, still in shock.

"C-can I see her?" Taehyung bounced nervously on the balls of his feet. "Please?" Sophie saw the concern in all of their eyes, but Taehyung's? Man,, Sophie felt bad.

"She's asleep. I would say yes, but, she hasn't slept since Kathryn died." Sophie's heart broke as Taehyung stopped bouncing, pinching the bridge of his nose, Hoseok's arm wrapping around him. "Excuse my manners." Sophie hit her forehead, opening the door wider. "Please, come in."

"How is she?" Jin stopped in front of Sophie, the last of the boys to walk through the door.

"I've never seen someone look so dead."

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