one hundred twenty three (final)

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Jimin sighed, resting his elbow on his knee while he held the phone out in front of him. Taehyung and Rebecca were talking with their kids, trying to get the twins to walk to one another.

And Uncle Jiminie was in charge of filming.

It's been a solid 30 minutes of half steps leading straight to a face plant on the ground. But none of these failures stopped the twins or the parents.

"Okay Minnie." Rebecca kissed her son's cheek, both of the twins 11 months old. "You walk all the way to Dada, okay?" Rebecca looked up at Taehyung who held out his arms for his son. All he needed was three steps. "You're filming Jimin?"

Jimin yawned while he nodded, Rebecca smiling thankfully at her dear friend.

"Come here baby." Taehyung wiggling his fingers slightly, waiting for Rebecca to let go of his fingers.

Jimin sat up, eyes wide while he watched Junsu take a full step, Rebecca's hands not helping him balance. Rebecca gasped as Taehyung encouraged his baby boy, a wide smile on his face.

"You did it!" He laughed, catching his son just as he took the final step, falling into his dad. "You walked Junsu!"

"Junsu." Jimin covered his mouth, tears hugging his face. "You, you did it."

"Jimin!" Rebecca hugged her friend. "Don't cryyy!"

~ next imagine ~

"Oh thank you." Rebecca smiled at the BigHit employee who opened the door for her. It was a nice help, both of her arms occupied with holding the 12 month twins.

She walked quietly, music playing quite loudly from inside. Everyone's faces lit up as they danced, seeing the little kids and Becca. They all waved, the cameraman filming the dance practice glancing over to who it was.

Anyone and everyone who works at BigHit knows who Becca is, they know all of the girlfriends of the boys

The cameraman turns to Rebecca, filming her and the babies while they all waved.

You could hear the awhs of the boys over the music.

Taehyung couldn't hold himself back anymore once Mina and Junsu both were sat on the ground and they ran to their Dad. Taehyung laughed as he picked up Junsu, his song squirming in his arms. Mina ran over to Jungkook, pulling at his earrings.

The cameraman filmed everything even after the music was turned off.

"Dada!" Junsu giggled, everyone freezing.

"HE CAN TALKKKKK!" Taehyung held Junsu even tighter while everyone freaked out, hugging the little boy and his dad.

Everyone but Jungkook.

Jungkook stayed with Mina, for he saw her sad little face while everyone gushed over her brother. Heck, he was so nice to her, he took out his dangly earring she was playing with and gave it to her.

"Mama!" Mina screamed, everyone turning to her.

Rebecca laughed and ran over to Jungkook and Mina, hugging both of them.

"We wanted to surprise Dada and all of their uncles."

~ next imagine ~

'Something isn't right.' Taehyung woke up on his side, frowning at the wall. He rolled to his back, slowly moving his hand, looking for her hair so he could distract-

She wasn't there.

That's what was wrong.

Taehyung sat up, looking around the room, but there was no sign of her. He got up, walking silently down the hall. The lights were still off, which meant she either left somewhere or kept them off.

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