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"W-where's Ozzy?" Jin stood up, not all dogs accounted for. Rebecca walked up to the table in front of him and sat down the urn, not making eye contact with anyone. "Oh fu-"

"Taehyung!" Sophie called out, Taehyung running in from the back porch. He stopped in his tracks, watching Rebecca walk past him, the puppy in her arms, Spots following obediently. "She won't let me touch her."

"What happened?" He stepped towards her room, but needed the background info.

"She got fired from the pool." Hoseok stared at the urn, not knowing what to do with the ashes of the dog he loved so much.

"And Ozzy was killed." Sophie pointed to the urn, Jungkook's eyes welling with tears as he heard the info for the first time.

"Oh God." Taehyung hurried away, closing the door behind him.

"Get out!" Rebecca sobbed from inside, Sophie flinching. Hoseok saw the demons attacking her body, ripping every good emotions to shreds. He stepped closer and pulled Sophie into a hug.

"You're doing amazing Sophie." He reassured softly, holding her tight to himself. "She appreciates it all so so much. She's just in a rough spot right now, give her some time to heal." Hoseok rested his chin on her head, smiling sadly at Jimin. "We all appreciate you."

Taehyung had his eyes squeezed shut, Rebecca sobbing and shaking in his arms, finally stopping the fight to get away from him. He took a deep, slow breath, hoping Rebecca would soon follow. But, she was having a mental breakdown. Every part of her was shaking, falling out of her control.

Spots sobbed in the corner of the room, the puppy stumbling around to finally get to this new friend of his. Spots let his body curl around this new puppy, his cries slowly stopping, finding comfort in this blind puppy.

"I got you my dear." He whispered against her hair, praying she could hear him over her sniffles. "I'm right here my love. I'm not leaving you. I'm never going to leave you." Taehyung let his lips kiss her head, rubbing her arm as she let out a few shaky cries. "You're so special to me, my Becca dear." Taehyung felt his own tears fight for control. "Please don't leave me Becca. Please. I can't lose you. Please, you're going to be okay." Taehyung took a shaky breath, looking up as a few tears rolled down his cheeks. "I need you to be okay."

"I-" Rebecca didn't, no, she couldn't say anything. She didn't know what to say. She's so, so deep in the darkness. She has no hope that she'll pull through. She feels so so lost.

" you remember the first time we met?" Taehyung stuttered, wiping away his tears while keeping his arms around her. "Over FaceTime, I...ha, this sounds dumb of me...but, I thought you were the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Your freckles caught me so off guard. And then you smiled at one of my stupid jokes. You laughed when Jin and I argued. You were and still are so so perfect."

She wasn't sobbing anymore. She was listening, focusing on his breath, trying to take deep, steady breaths like he was.

"And then you goofball wanted to shake my hand when we met." Taehyung smiled against her hair, remembering the treasured memory. "I had to hug you first. I remember how red you got, all in front of ARMY."

"You make me shy." Rebecca mumbled, adjusting herself in a more comfortable position. Taehyung smiled gently.

"You make me a hopeless romantic, my love." He kissed the side of her face. "You have such a pretty heart Becca." Taehyung let that settle before continuing. "You're so kind, helping literally everyone you meet. You care about every little thing. You notice and treasure the small things. You're love for words, for animals, for nature."

"I love you too." Becca mumbled while he listed things she loves.

"Yes, you love me and the boys." Taehyung smiled, lowering his head to look down at her. Rebecca looked up at him, her cheeks damp from the tears.

"Your stupid bangs." She whispered, moving his hair from his eyes. "I can't see your eyes."

"My eyes-"

"Are my favorite thing about you." Rebecca interrupted him, her fingers resting on the side of his face, rubbing his temple slowly. "They remind me of a fireplace. So welcoming and warm."

"They're dark..." Taehyung lowered his eyes, not exactly agreeing with what she was saying.

"Tae," She rested her hand against his cheek, Taehyung's eyes flickering up to her's. "I get to wake up and your eyes are the first thing I get to see. Of course they're going to be my favorite thing. Because they're my reminder of home." Rebecca sniffed, her eyes aligned with his lips. "And of course I love your lips." Her thumb traced his lips, a soft smiling tugging at them. "The little freckle-mole thing on your bottom lip, it's so cute. Just like you."

"Your freckles remind me of the stars." Taehyung started to place soft butterfly kisses all across her cheeks, yet not landing on her lips. "Your eyes the sea." He locked eyes with her, their foreheads resting against one another. "And your lips....strawberries." He kissed them, Rebecca in slight shock, her face burning.


"Because just like strawberries, they taste so good."


"So,,, Jungkook." Yoongi tapped his fingers against his knee, not looking up at the younger boy. "Would you like to ease the sadness so we aren't all depressed when those two are finally okay to come out?" Jungkook tilted his head, a bit lost for what to say.

But a certain smile made Yoongi quickly regret asking the maknae to ease the mood.

"If they sell staples at the store Staples, what do they sell at Dicks?"

Yoongi: -_-

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