fifty one

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"Ah!" Hoseok snapped his fingers, Jungkook freezing behind him, his sneaking past failing miserably. "Stay here, she's asleep."

"But it's one!" Jungkook whined, sitting in a chair in the living room, Hoseok still on his phone. "I wanna drag her to the beach and push her in the water and leave her there!" Hoseok slowly looked up from his phone, Jungkook acting completely normal.

"You wanna what?"

"Because she beat me in our race yesterday." Jungkook shrugged, still acting like normal. "I'm putting her up for adoption. The fish can take care of her." Hoseok couldn't believe Jungkook and laughed.

"How about no."




"Jin?" Rebecca leaned her head on the door to Jin's room, knocking softly, trying to stay quiet so the boys still think she's asleep. "Jin can I come in?"

Jin lifted his head from his hands, looking towards the door with wide eyes. He sniffed and wiped away a few stray tears, walking to the door.

"Hi Ji-hey, hey, what's wrong?" Rebecca reached up and cupped Jin's face, her thumb wiping the remains of a tear. "Jinnie, are you okay?" Jin pulled her inside his room, the door closing automatically as he pulled her into a hug. "I'm right here. You're okay Jin, you're okay." Jin stumbled over his feet, and fell backwards onto his bed, Rebecca on top of him.

"I'm sorry." Jin mumbled, letting go of Rebecca, but she held his arms.

"You're okay, everything's okay. Let's just sit up, okay? We just need to sit up." Rebecca shifted to the back of the bed, holding Jin's hands as he too, moved. "Okay, okay, here we go." Rebecca laid her legs on top of Jin's so he could bury his head in her shoulder, clinging to her. "Do you want to tell me what's wrong, or do you want me to just sit with you until you feel better?"

"There's a lot of hate." Jin unwrapped his arms to fulfill his habit. Rebecca stayed hugging Jin, watching him roll up his sleeve. She squinted, seeing scratch marks. "I just..." He attacked his arm, scratching deep, fast.

"Stop, stop, stop." Rebecca tried to catch his hand, but he kept escaping. "Jin, you're going to hurt yourself."

"That's the point." He stopped scratching, digging his nails into his arm. Rebecca's heart beats increased, watching a drop of blood fall down his arm.

Rebecca tore her arms away from Jin and rolled up her sleeve as well. She did what she did, scratching as hard as she could, and then digging into her arm until it started to bleed.

"W-what are you doing??" Jin slowly eased up on his arm, completely in shock as he watch blood fall down her arm, similar to his. "Stop!" Jin stoke her hands, holding them tightly, Rebecca's teary eyes on his. "Why would you do that?!"

"What do you feel right now?" Rebecca shook his hands lightly, holding onto them tighter.

"Mentally? Scared, concerned, pained." Jin spoke quickly, his eyes darting up and down her body. "Why would you do that to yourself??"

"Do you see how I feel?" Rebecca let go of his hand, resting it against his cheek. "Please don't ever hurt yourself like that again." Jin's eyes rested on her's, watching them emit such a calm vibe.

He reached to the table beside his bed, grabbing some tissues and turned back just as quickly. "I won't as long as you promise me you'll never hurt yourself either." Jin slowly wiped the blood from her arm, keeping his eyes on her arm.

"I don't-"

Jin rubbed his thumb across the scars she held. His thumb has never felt such an uneven surface, the majority of the scars deep, hateful ones. "I want to protect you too Freckles." Rebecca stoke her arm away from Jin, yanking her sleeve down and stealing a tissue from him, Jin shocked be her harsh movements.

"I'm fine." She hissed, wiping away his blood, the wipes much more gentle than her other movements.

"You're not." Jin stared at her as she worked, watching the shadow fall over her face. "And that's o-"

"Just stop, please." She closed her eyes, stopping all movement.

Good job Jin, you pissed her off.

But when she threw the tissues away, she laid her head on his chest, snuggling close. "Tell me a story Jin. Any story."

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