one hundred fifteen

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"Hey," Rebecca placed her hand on the side of Taehyung's face, trying to get him to look up at her. "I'm going to be right here when you come back. I'm not leaving you." Taehyung clenched his teeth as tears burned in his eyes.

"I love you!" He hugged her tightly, Rebecca hugging him as well. "Send me letters, just like you used to."

"I'll write one every day." Rebecca shut her eyes, taking a deep breath. "Two years can't be that long."

"And when I come back, we'll plan our wedding." He kissed her, Rebecca's eyes slowly opening, his lips leaving her's. "Then I can finally call you my wife."

"Bex!" Jin ran over to her. "You're sure you're okay with watching our pets while we're in the military?"

"Yes, I'm 100% sure." She smiled, the rest of Bangtan and their short hair coming over. "I'll even run your Twitter if Bang lets me." Rebecca wiggling her eyebrows, the boys laughing.

"I want letters." Jungkook hugged her tightly. "You're basically my girlfriend so kiss the paper too okay?" Taehyung punched his arm, Jungkook whining and rubbing his arm.

"You're all getting letters, I promise." She giggled, Hoseok jumping in victory. "I'm repainting your dorm while you're all gone." Rebecca motioned to an invisible wall in front of her. "Murals of all of you." She found her way into Taehyung's arms. "And I'll see if I can get some pictures of us at your place?"

"You could make everything pink and I would still love it." He kissed her head, Rebecca smiling in his arms. "Send pictures with your letters, okay?"

"Of course."

"Wheels up in 5!"

Rebecca smiled sadly at BTS. "I'll let you all know how ARMY is doing, and send some of their words as well, okay? They'll miss you all too."

"Don't stress yourself out too much, okay?" Yoongi patted her shoulder, Rebecca nodding. "We'll be back before you know it."

"I look forward to that day."


- Two Years Later -

"We have to wait until my hair grows back!" Taehyung whined, pulling his hat low on his head. "I hate my short hair!"

"But I think it's cute!" Rebecca laughed, trying to take his hat off, but he wouldn't let up.

"You two really need to focus on planning your wedding." Yoongi looked up from his book, looking like a sexy Zuko with his short hair. (hi yes i hate myself too for that comment).

"We picked out the flowers!" Rebecca crawled over to Yoongi with the tablet, showing him the different bouquets and where they will be, which go on the tables and which the bridesmaids will hold.

"We're going dress shopping tomorrow!" Jungkook ran into the family room, a huge smile on his face. "I'm approving the dress!"

"Actually, Jamie and Amber are." Rebecca corrected him, Jungkook's jaw dropping.

"They're coming?"

"Yes they're coming." Rebecca crawled back to Taehyung, pulling up the different table covers they were looking at. "They're part of the wedding party."

"But what about our date!" Jungkook whined, Taehyung glaring at him.

"Stop talking like you're dating her!" Taehyung threw a pillow at Jungkook, him who caught it.

"Well I am!" Jungkook shouted to match Taehyung's voice. "What's your's is mine!" Taehyung shot to his feet and sprinted at Jungkook who screamed. "Wait I took it too far don't murder me!"

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