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it's steamy at the beginning and then smut at the end so just a heads up
i wrote the beginning part and an old friend wrote the end with some edits from me
please don't attack me lol i tried. the transition from mine to her's is a bit off but just go with it
oh yeah if you're younger than 18 don't read this chapter there's no plot in this chap so skip
skip children ( kathryn .... sophie )
yall are too young to read this*

) oh it's long too lol (

Rebecca woke to soft lips against her skin, slow kisses and gentle humming spreading across her face. Taehyung had already turned off her phone alarm for work, putting himself in charge of that.

"Hi Bubba." Rebecca let her hand touch the side of his face, a tired smile forming on her lips as she met eyes with the love of her life. She noticed they managed to switch positions, her laying on top of Taehyung, the dogs no where to be found. They probably journeyed to the kitchen or living room for the rest of the night.

"This is my last time for a while." Taehyung let his fingers explore her hair, being gentle if he came across any knots.

"Last time?" Rebecca frowned, both of their voices hushed.

"Last time of waking up next to you." Taehyung whispered sadly, his fingers not halting their brushing. "I leave today."

Rebecca hugged Taehyung tightly, burying her head in his neck. "Let's... let's not talk about that."

"Well what do you want to talk about?" Taehyung rubbed her back, staring up at the ceiling memorizing everything around him. This is something he wants to cherish deeply. He never wants to forget this, her in his arms, her smell, her touch, her everything.

"I don't know." Rebecca mumbled, before pecking Taehyung's neck. All thoughts of work had temporarily left her mind, just focusing on this moment. "I like you."

"I like you too." Taehyung chuckled softly, rubbing her back still. "I like you a lot."

"I like you more than you like me." Rebecca kissed Taehyung's jaw, slowly inching herself up. "I like you infinite." Rebecca kissed his chin before smiling down at him. "Ha, I win."

"Hmm, that's not fair." Taehyung propped himself up on his elbows, smiling softly. Rebecca held herself up with her hands, one on either side of Taehyung's torso. "I bet I can show you I love you the most."

"S-show?" Rebecca stuttered, Taehyung bring his face closer to her's, she unable to move back any further.

"Yes." Taehyung let his finger trace up her jaw, slowly, painfully slow. Rebecca didn't know what he was going to do. And boy did she want to know.

Tae hates how the smallest things she did turned him on. The way she leaned over him, her soft voice a bit raspy from lack of water, the way her face got so close to his. He just wanted to, kiss her. He wanted to push her against the wall and make her feel like she is the luckiest girl in the world. He wanted her to know that she's the one thing he cares about the most. The one thing he would do anything for.

But they just started dating. He knew Becca got uncomfortable quickly. He knew she was nervous about dating. He knew she was scared of dating. He knew she thought she doesn't know how to love someone. But she's given Taehyung all he's ever wanted. And he swore to give her what she wants and more.

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