one hundred seventeen

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"TikTok prank." Taehyung snapped his fingers, Becca wearing her headphones beside him. Of course the man needed to do a little prank before the babies came. "Babes," he pulled off her headphones, Becca looking up confused. "You could've been nicer today."

She stared at him, eyes wide, confused, upset. "Me?" She pointed to herself, lips parting once he nodded his head. "Bubba I'm sorry I didn't think I was being mean." Somehow, with her 9 month twins baby stomach, she hugged him, kissing his cheek. "I guess I've been stressed with the kids on the way and you constantly at work I'm alone a lot and I'm sorry if I get cranky-"

"Baby noooo." Taehyung hugged her, pointing to his phone. "It was just a TikTok prank."

Rebecca burst into tears.

"W-wait! Becca don't cry!"


ARMY32- I-


Rebecca woke up to Taehyung kissing her stomach, whispering 'I love you' s and good mornings.

"Taehyung," She opened her eyes, Taehyung looking at her. "Are you staying home today?"

"I have early morning practice." He looked at his watch, still rubbing her stomach. "I'l be home in about three to four hours."

"Oh," She leaned her head back. "Okay."

Taehyung smiled sadly, tilting his head. "You need to be meaner." He laid back down, still in his pajammas. "Becca, I took off a bunch this week and next. You're due tomorrow, I have to be here, with you. Dance practice can wait."

"Oh Tae!" Rebecca exclaimed, hugging him tightly, Taehyung getting crushed by her stomach. "Thank you!"

Neither of the two could fall back asleep, Rebecca keeping Taehyung with her worries.

"What if they don't like me?" Rebecca turned her head to Taehyung, Taehyung turning his head to her.

"Did you just say you're afraid your babies, your,, babies, won't like you?" Taehyung frowned while Rebecca nodded.

"What if I'm like my parents?"

"Becca," Taehyung sat up, Rebecca still laying down. "You're nothing like them. You're the complete opposite, you're so, so kind. You would never hurt anyone, and you just have so much love to give." He wiped the tears from her face. "You're going to be the best mom."


Rebecca looked down, taking a shaky breath. "Namjoon."


"My water just broke."


"Jungkook stop screaming!" Rebecca yelled at the boy in the back of the car, squeezed in with the rest of Bangtan. Taehyung was driving to the hospital, his hand being crushed by Rebecca's pregnant strength. "I swear you aren't even in labor!"

"I can feel it!" He wailed, throwing himself on Yoongi. "Two children are coming out ...." Jungkook realized he didn't have what Becca had.

"Where?" Jin snorted, sitting in the middle. "Your asshole?"

"Are you shitting out your babies?" Hoseok laughed, Jungkook crossing his arms in defeat. "Are they covered in sh-"

"Will you all just shut up!"


Rebecca had just let out the final, pained shout, Taehyung's hand surely broken now. But none of the pain they were expereincing mattered once they heard the second baby crying.

Rebecca smiled, still breathing heavily, sweat covering her face.

"Two healthy, beautiful babies." The doctor was smiling beneath his mask, handing the second child to Becca, her heart melting at the sight of the two in her arms. "A boy and a girl."

"Tae," She looked up at him, Taehyung's face having tears all across his face. He pulled his mask down, the happiest smile on his face. "Look," They looked at the children. "They have blue eyes." Rebecca was born with the brightest blue eyes, but over the years they faded to a green.

"And freckles," Taehyung pushed some of her hair from her face. "They have your freckles."

"They're..." Rebecca swallowed painfully, feeling her heart slow. "They .." The baby boy in her arms slipped, crying more harshly now, Taehyung scrambling to pick him up. The same happened with his daughter, Rebecca not having any strength, any control.

"Becca!" Taehyung was holding both of his children now, his eyes only on his wife's slack face, her beautiful green eyes closed.

Beeps and shouting ensued, Taehyung being pushed backwards as medical nonsense was screamed around him.

"Becca!" He couldn't see her anymore, nurses pushing him back. "Wait!" His kids were taken from his arms, still being pushed back. "What's wrong?! Tell me what's happening!"

The door was closed in his face, a horrifying beep the only sound in his head.

He fell to his knees, looking down at his shaking hands.

'Becca ,, my, my kids ... Becca'


"Friend of Kim Taehyung?" A nurse stood in the waiting room, all of BTS, Taehyung's parents, and Jamie and Amber standing. The nurse sighed. "One of you needs to calm down Taehyung."

"What?" Jin stepped forward, a frowned creased into his perfect features. "Why?"

"His wife is in critical condition."


i'm sure y'all have seen bitchHobi comments throughout this book

and her hatred for taehyung

and her hatred for taehyung

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there you go. she apologizes.


i didn't post the wedding layout

i didn't post the wedding layout

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there you go

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