one hundred fourteen

321 21 77

"Becca," Taehyung held her hand, the airport bustling around them. "Come to Paris with me."

"Okay but what if a giant baguette attacks us while we're here." Rebecca walked through the airport, six months later. Taehyung was still on his flight, but they were getting ready to land. Rebecca's flight had just landed 20 minutes ago, and now she was waiting for him at baggage claim.

(you guys don't understand how many tries it took me to spell ' baguette' correctly. it was painful)

"A giant baguette is not going to attack us." Taehyung smiled at his girlfriend's imagination. "Birds, maybe. But not a baguette."

"Jungkook said he wanted a bird as a souvenir." Rebecca sat down on a seat. "I want my twenty bucks from him. He's getting a bird."

"Becca no."

"Becca yes."


The two walked down the streets of Paris, hand in hand. Rebecca's eyes were everywhere, taking everything in, a huge smile on her face as she pulled Taehyung along with her. Taehyung's been here before, so he's seen the sights. But even if this was his first time here, he still wouldn't have taken his eyes off of Rebecca.

Man, it was a sight to see, how happy she was.

"I get to go to the City of Love with my soulmate!"



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