sixty one

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"Bex." He hissed, shaking her shoulder gently. "Becca, wake up."

Rebecca turned on to her back, rubbing her eyes. "Taehyung?"


"Is something wrong? Or are you doing this just to annoy me?" Rebecca opened her eyes, quickly narrowing them once she saw Taehyung's smiling face. "I think I know which it is." Taehyung pulled Rebecca by her hands until she sat up. "Taeeeeee." She whined while he did so.

"Becca~" He sang back, a huge smile still on his lips. "I wanna go out in the city. Pleaseeeee come with meeeeee." He swung her arms lightly, Rebecca closing her eyes and her face twisting into a tired expression.

"Fine." She sighed, Taehyung letting go of her hands to bounce excitedly, clapping quietly. "But," He stopped jumping, listening to what she has to say. She smiled slightly, knowing exactly what she's doing. "You owe me one of your sweatshirts." Taehyung started jumping around again, pulling Rebecca from her bed.



Taehyung kept his hands in the pockets of his jacket, keeping his chin up as he walked slowly. Rebecca was normally a morning person, but two am was just too early to be awake. He glanced over at Rebecca, watching her cover her mouth with her sweaterpaws as she yawned, stumbling out of the straight line she was walking in.

"You doing okay there Becca?" Taehyung smiled, watching her regain control over her feet.

"Mhm, I'm just tired." She nodded tiredly, blinking the tiredness from them. Taehyung wrapped an arm around her, careful to keep his feet away from her's so she won't accidentally trip on them.

"Thank you for coming with me." Taehyung gestured to the lights surrounding them. "Time stops during this time. I love taking walks out here." Taehyung sighed, a smile on his face, remembering the countless walks. "It feels weird sometimes, but a good weird, you know?" Rebecca nodded, looking up at Taehyung as they walked, smiling softly. The smile was drawn not because of his face, not because of his messy hair. No, it was from his words. She admired people who have no shame in talking about the things they love. "That's why I wanted to take you with me."

"It's really calm." Rebecca spoke softly, leaning her head on Taehyung as their pace slowed even more. "Welcoming, even."

"It's eery when you're alone, but comforting and magical when you're with someone else." Taehyung put his hand in his pocket, taking a slow breath before clearing his throat. "I really wanted you to see the lights."

" 'And at last I see the lights~' " Rebecca sang with a smile, recalling her favorite Disney movie.

" 'And it's like the fog has lifted. And at last I see the lights.' " Taehyung stopped their walk, holding Rebecca's hands in his own. She looked up at him, watching his eyes melt, swirl, dance, do it all. Taehyung put his hand on her waist, his other holding it up, holding her so they could slow dance. " 'And it's like the sky is new.' " Taehyung continued the song, Rebecca resting her head on his shoulder while they swayed back and forth, slowly turning in a circle.

Taehyung's heart fluttered, a smile never leaving his face. Butterflies, oh those wonderful butterflies. He's never wants them to leave. Rebecca brought the butterflies with that beautiful smile of her's.

He knows he's in love. He's never fallen so far into love.

"This is nice." Rebecca whispered, turning her head so her lips were closer to his ears. "This is every dream come true." Taehyung pulled back ever so, just enough to come face to face.

"Can I make my dream come true?" He mumbled, holding her face gently, his thumb rubbing her cheek twice, his fingers tangled in her hair. "Can I kiss you?" Rebecca leaned forward and Taehyung met her halfway, their eyes closed, letting their lips connect.

Their worlds collided in a frenzy of colors. Everything stopped right there, in that very moment. Taehyung's lips against Rebecca's, his hand on her waist, her's resting on his shoulder.

Rebecca smiled against his lips, Taehyung's smile matching with her's. They let their smiles hold the other's, wanting to draw out their first kiss as long as they could.

"A dream come true indeed." Rebecca murmured, hugging Taehyung tightly. They continued to sway slowly, both feeling content in each other's arms, feeling like they finally belonged somewhere.

They belong with each other.

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