eighty nine

355 24 17

Taehyung sighed as he turned on the lights to his room, kicking his slides off to the side. He was quick to change out of his clothes and into pajamas.

In no time, he was laying on his bed, arms out for Rebecca. "Babyyyyy."

Rebecca was still in the process of getting ready for bed, in her pajamas, but needing to take off her eye make-up. "Is Tannie there with you?"

Taehyung looked around his room, the dog nowhere in sight. "No." She didn't say anything. "Want me to go get him?"

"Would you?" Rebecca let down her hair, tossing the make-up wipe in the trash. "I'm just about done I promise."

Taehyung groaned softly and rolled off the bed, opening his door and walked out into the living room, whistling quietly.

"Oh Taehyung." Jin walked over to his friend from the kitchen. "We all agreed to give you and Becca the day in two days. It's our least busy day and I know you two have missed each other a lot so we're gonna give you the dorm too."

"Really?" Taehyung's eyes widened slightly. "Where will you guys go?"

"Jungkook's." Jin grinned and looked around for the youngest. "But he doesn't know that yet."

"Thanks Hyung." Taehyung smiled and continued his search for Yeontan.

Of course, the maknae held Yeontan captive.

"Give me the dog Jeon." Taehyung crossed his arms, watching Jungkook pet the dog.

"You can only have him if you promise you and Becca won't be loud tonight."

"Why would we-" Taehyung froze, raising his eyes to Jungkook's. "I'm not fucking her."

"But you might!" Jungkook jumped up, Yeontan just going with the movements. "You just gotta be quiet. Or!" Jungkook grinned and handed Taehyung his dog. "Go to Yoongi's studio. It's sound proof in there."

Taehyung smacked Jungkook upside the head and started to walk away. "Goodnight Jeon."

"Have fun!"


Rebecca hummed softly as she pulled up Netflix on Taehyung's computer. She smiled, the laptop being an Apple product despite his contract with Samsung. Taehyung hated using Samsung and was constantly being caught using Apple products when he shouldn't be.

(Samsung don't attack me i don't speak for Taehyung. just a fic. don't sue)

A familiar little bark had Rebecca's neck turning to the side in a second, a huge smile blossoming her face as she held out her hands. "Tannie!" She squealed, Taehyung setting the dog down, Yeontan jumping into Rebecca's arms and licking her face, his little body wagging excitedly. "Oh my baby!" She hugged him tight, giggling as Yeontan showered her in love.

Taehyung smiled and sat two bottles of water on the bed table, next to the bowl of popcorn he'd made. "Alright alright, save some kisses for me." He crawled over Rebecca and settling on his spot and pulling out his phone. "Smile, you two." Rebecca held up Tan and smiled sweetly, a smile subconsiously growing on Taehyung's face as well.

"What's with all the pictures?" Rebecca asked, crawling under the covers as Taehyung held them up for her.

"I didn't take enough last time I was with you." Taehyung wrapped an arm around her, pulling her close. "I found myself looking up fanarts because I was so Rebecca deprived."

"Awhhh." Rebecca kissed his jaw, the highest she could reach at the moment. "Bubs, you could've asked for pictures of me."

"Well, you're here now so I can take a bunch." Taehyung pulled up his show on the laptop, it sat on his lap. Rebecca stayed looking up at him, studying his face. He was being somewhat blunt and kept sighing a lot, something he never really did.

"Are you alright Taehyung?" Rebecca rubbed his chest slightly, stopping once he looked down at her.

"Hmm? Oh yeah, yeah I'm fine." He nodded, finding himself avoiding eye contact. Rebecca sat up, pushing the lap top asid and sat in front of him, on his legs.

"Is your depression acting up?" She found his hands gripping the sheets and loosened them, intertwining her's with his.

Taehyung looked down and nodded, unable to make eye contact with her.

"Tae," Rebecca took his face in her hands. "Don't be ashamed of it, it's perfectly okay." Taehyung didn't have much facial expression.

Over the last couple of months, Rebecca has learned when Taehyung over thinks or just doesn't feel himself, he keeps his expression blank. He's revealed that he doesn't want other people worrying about or seeing him weak with emotions.

Rebecca let a soft silence fill the room, her finger slowly tracing his lips, humming a tune like she would usually. Taehyung kept his eyes on his lover, confused at what she was doing. Normally she would talk a bunch, get his mind off of things, but now, just soft humming.


"Yes Becca?"

"Can you show me a teeny, tiny smile?" Rebecca stopped tracing his lips, still holding his face. "Please? Just a small one."

And that soft, plesant one Rebecca loved so much formed across his lips, Rebecca sighing lovingly. "Ah, I love that one." Taehyung chuckled slightly, managing to keep that smile on his face. "Is there anything else I can do to help? We can talk it out maybe?"

"Can we, hug? For a little bit?" Taehyung's hand rest on Rebecca's, leaning his face into her hand.

"Of course we can." Rebecca nodded and Taehyung pulled her by her hips, their bodies pressed close to each other as Rebecca wrapped her arms around his shoulder, his around her torso.

"This is nice." Taehyung mumbled into her hair, neither of them rubbing each other's back, but simply holding on tight.

"This is."

The pair sat like that for a few more minutes, finally deciding on the forgotten show.

To no one's surprise, Rebecca had fallen asleep in Taehyung's arms before the first episode was even over, Taehyung teasing her softly. He stayed up to watch two more episodes, finding great joy in playing with Rebecca's hair while he did so.

Every once in a while, Rebecca would move a little, snuggling closer or flipping onto her other side, her gentle breathing barely heard over the show.

"Okay snuggle bunny." Taehyung sighed and closed the laptop, setting it on the floor. "I'll sleep now too."

can y'all do me a huge favor and comment a bunch of questions you'd ask this couple? it's for a future chapter and i'd greatly appreciate it. i'll tag you at the end of the chapter of course

it would mean the world, thank you 💕

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