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Dear BTS,

Today is a really good day today! Do you guys know why?

Okay that was cringey...

But I'm writing in a pen so I can't erase it. And I apologize lol.

Anyways, I finally adopted the puppy I've always wanted! I live alone-oh yeah I'm 22-and it gets lonely at times. He's an Australian Shepherd and literally the cutest thing ever.

Oh you guys posted on Twitter...

Oh my gosh. Nonononononono way.

"To R~"

That's me.

Oh my gosh that's me!

You guys are actually reading my letters?!

Oh my gosh I'm I think I'm crying.

Yep I'm crying. Happy tears. Happy happy happy happy.

Ah my mom is calling me.

..well. Uhm, she's cussing me out right now as I write this. I never did have a good relationship with my mom. She's pretty emotionally abusive and doesn't understand why I never visit/why I live so far away. They live in Ohio and I'm in South Dakota now.

Ah, well...there goes my happy attitude. I just don't understand her.

She always calls me 'Princess' in the absolute meanest and snarky way possible. I don't even do anything!

I always see posts on the internet about boyfriend and girlfriends calling each other 'princess' and other sweet names and I just know my boyfriend or girlfriend will never be able to do that for me because I get so scared whenever someone calls me that. It's ruined for me.

Something Angel.

Oh, Ozzy already knows me. Ozzy, Ozzy is my puppy! Because Aussie sounds like Ozzy...that's why I named him that because I'm unorignal and I think it's cute. Ah, he makes me smile.

He's crawled into my lap and is licking my hand and looking so cute.

Ah I hate crying. But at least I have Ozzy now.

I hope you guys all smile today.

Sincerely, R

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