twenty three

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yeah i've just got in my car. you can call :)

Jimin jumped onto his bed happily, his two lamps on in his room, his ceiling fan on low, and his bed made perfectly. Today was the day that Becca moved to Virginia. And Jimin made a promise to himself that he would not let her take the 22 hour journey along.

Yes, 22 hours. Becca had texted him last night that she didn't plan on taking two days. She didn't want to stay at some weird, creepy hotel alone. Jimin was going to be on the phone for twelve hours with her until it was time for him to leave for his photo shoot. He then, of course, won't text her because that could cause an accident. So he'll wait until he can call her once again and be there when she gets to her new home.

"Good morning-what's wrong with your eyes?!" Jimin yelped, his eyes wide as saucer one he say her eyes, Becca freezing while she put on her seatbelt. "They're all puffy-were you crying? Becca what's wrong? You can tell me I'm here for you I promise! I won't judge and I'll give you advice because I know things and I really just want to help you!" Jimin took a deep breath, about to continue, but Becca raised her hand to stop him, trying to swallow her smile.


"Yes Becca?"

"I have allergies."

"Oh." Jimin covered his eyes as he rolled to his side, letting out his beautiful giggles that Becca had dreamed of hearing in real life. "But still!" He recovered from his laughs, opening his eyes again to see her red, puffy eyes. "They look painful, are they painful?" JImin squinted to see them. "Come closer to the screen Bex, let me see them." Becca sighed and moved closer, revealing the peeling skin around her eyelids.

"I tried to put moisturizer and my skin rejected it and completely dried itself out." Becca closed her eyes for a few seconds. "Yeah it burns but I've gotten used to it."

"Oh my gosh, what are you allergic to?" Jimin asked as Becca started her car, something on her hand catching Jimin's eye.

"I'm allergic to literally nature." She pulled out of the drive way, turning peacefully. "All types of trees and grasses, pollen, dust, and cockroaches." Becca smiled at her last allergy. "I hate my pollen allergy because I can't be around flowers without sneezing every five seconds and my eyes watering."

"Do your eyes always do this?" Jimin wanted to prepare for when they do meet, one day. No flowers, absolutely no flowers. And they might as well put her in her own little bubble so she stays protected by the trees and grass.

"No, not since I was 15." Becca rubbed her eye, the world flying past her window. "The tree pollen is sky high today, so that's why. And I was on call with Jin late last night so I forgot to shut my window." Becca shrugged, glancing over at Ozzy and Spots on the shared seat. "Hey babies." She used her free hand to rub their heads, driving without a problem. Jimin frowned, nibbling on his lip, thinking of ways he could smack Jin for keeping her up late.

"Hey Bex." Jimin spoke up, smiling widely, his eyes meeting the clock. 10:23 pm. "What's on your-"

"Jimin! You should see the pictures of the sunset I took last night!" Becca grabbed her phone, exiting from the Face Time screen to send him a picture of the sunset. "It was incredible!" Jimin smiled softly, remembering his train of thought as he went to his messages, waiting for a picture from Becca pop up.

 "It was incredible!" Jimin smiled softly, remembering his train of thought as he went to his messages, waiting for a picture from Becca pop up

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(yes i actually took this pic)

"Oh wow." Jimin gasped softly, amazed at the colors. "It is beautiful." Rebecca smiled, returning to the Face Time screen, eyes fully on the road once again.

"What were you saying Jimin? I interrupted you I'm sorry."

"No no, it's alright." Jimin too returned to the call, smiling at her gently. His eyes fell onto her hands again. Rings decorated her fingers, bracelets as well. A frown fell upon his eyebrows when he saw a very familiar bracelet.

Namjoon asked me about that diamond bracelet...He asked if I thought a girl would like it....I said yes....He gave it to Becca?

I'm going to get her something better.

"Jimin? Hello? Are you alright over there?" Becca snapped her fingers, glancing at zoned-out Jimin, her bracelets clinking against each other.

"Yeah yeah, sorry." Jimin shook his head, running his hand through his hair with a smile. "My question...right. Uhm, what's on your hand?" Becca frowned and looked at her hand, confused as to what he's talking about.

"Oh! My tattoos?" Becca smiled proudly, holding her right hand up for Jimin. "I love my tattoos. Because when I write, I get to see the beautiful flower and it looks so cool!" Jimin smiled widely too, biting his tongue so it wouldn't lick his lips.

He loves girls with tattoos

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He loves girls with tattoos.

"And my other hand." Becca's right hand took over steering so she could display her left. "I love this too!" Jimin bit his lip, smiling at her excitement.

"Do you have any other tattoos?"

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"Do you have any other tattoos?"

"Mhm." Becca nodded, a few strands of hair falling from her bun. "I have a butterfly on my back. It's small though, eh kinda. Like, the size of a glass bottom, if you know what I mean." Jimin nodded, loving the idea of a back tattoo.

"You're rings are beautiful." Jimin commented, distracting himself from her tattoos. "The style where it's not just at the bottom of your finger...what's it called?"

"Boho." Becca smile, keeping her eyes on the road, her hand drifting to rub Spots' head. "I love the vibe, style it has." Jimin rolled over on his bed, grabbing his tablet from his bedstand.

It was shopping time.

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