forty four

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Rebecca sighed and rolled over, testing to see if that'll help her fall asleep. Nothing. Nothing at all.

Walking it is.

It was quiet, calm. The fire was out, the pool was still, the birds were asleep. Rebecca went outside, keeping the silence for the sleeping boys inside.

All but one guy was asleep.

Jin smiled once he saw Rebecca walk outside, leaving the door opened. He assumed she was going to be out for only a little. It was the perfect opportunity to scare her.

He was the one member she never told about her nightmare, the shadow she always sees in the corner of her eye. She never told him her fear of being kidnapped.

So, Jin snuck behind her, covered her mouth incase she screamed and lifted her off the ground for a few seconds. She tended immediately at his touch, a muffled scream emitting from beneath his fingers. Jin started to laugh, setting Rebecca down, thinking the shake of her shoulders was a silent laugh.

Never has Jin stopped laughing so quickly before. The instant he heard her crying, his eyes widened, that smile of his gone.

"Wait no no no no don't cry." Jin pulled Rebecca close to him, hugging her tightly, Rebecca shivering and crying into him. "It was supposed to be a little scare Becca I'm so sorry." Rebecca heard him but she couldn't form any words. She was trying to calm down, trying to stop the shaking and crying. "Shh, shh, Becca it's okay. It's just me. I'm right here I'm sorry I'm sorry." Jin refused to let go of Rebecca until she shoved him off her. He still had his arms around her while she wiped away her tears, forcing deep, slow breaths. "Becca I'm so sorry." Jin mumbled, feeling horrible. "Please don't cry. Im sorry."

"That's my worst fear." She hugged him again, her arms loose and relaxed around him. "I thought the shadow finally got me." Jin was confused, but, he kind of caught on. She wouldn't stop shaking. He knew she was good with words, trying to push the fact that she's absolutely terrified out of both of their minds.

"Hey, I got you." Jin whispered, rubbing her back, his eyes locking on the couch/bed thing. "Let's sit down, you're shaking like a leaf." Rebecca let Jin lead her over to the cushions, letting him help her crawl onto it. She let him wrap a blanket around her, and she let her body slowly relax against his as they stared up at the stars.

"Im so sorry Becca

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"Im so sorry Becca." Jin spoke after a few minutes, Rebecca's shaking reduced trembling hands and a shay breath every once in a while. "I meant it to be a harmless prank. I'll never do it again." Rebecca laid her head on Jin's shoulder, letting her eyes dance across the stars.

"It's okay Jin. I don't know if I really told you so you wouldn't have known either."

"Known what?" Jin glanced down at Rebecca, watching her fingers move beneath the blanket.

"Long story short, I had this nightmare about this shadow figure and ever since then he's been in the corner of my vision. In the nightmare, he kidnapped me and forced me to watch horrible things and I just-" Jin cut her off, leaning across her to hug her, his chest against her's, his face in her shoulder. "Jin?"

"I'm so sorry. I wish I could help you more." Jin spoke loud enough to be heard, but soft enough to not be a bother. Rebecca looked down at him, his black hair almost invisible in the dark. She combed her fingers through it one time before hugging him tightly, laying her head on his.

"This helps a lot." Rebecca took a deep breath, taking in his scent and the comfort of it all. "No one's ever just laid with me."

"Well I'm here now." Jin moved a little, shifting his hips closer to her so he wasn't straining to reach her. "I'm right here. You can tell me your worries. I'm listening."

"How do you do it?" Rebecca asked, her voice quieter than normal, but with the silence outside, it was perfect. "How are you so perfect?"

"I'm not perfect." Jin turned his head so he could get fresh air. "Certainly not. I just, I like to pretend. I pretend there's no criticism, no hate, just, laughter." Jin smiled softly, feeling Rebecca draw designs on his back. "I like making people feel good about themselves. I like being the chaotic funny guy. I like pretending everything is perfect."

"I think you're perfect." Rebecca drew a heart on his back, noticing her fingers were no longer shaking. "You're wonderful Jinnie."

"You're wonderful as well Freckles."

They stayed silent for a while, Jin still partially on top of her, their arms around each other. It was at least 40 or so minutes later when Rebecca spoke again.

"Are you still okay? Right now?"

"Everything is perfect while you're here." Jin opened his eyes, staring off to the side. "Everything is absolutely perfect. Don't worry about a thing. I promise everything is perfect." Rebecca let Jin sit up from her, her body feeling cold with the absence of his body. Jin smiled and sat up like Rebecca was and gave her a few seconds to lay next to him. When she didn't, he pulled her close and hugged her again, letting her head lay against his chest. Rebecca moved even closer to him, throwing part of the blanket over him as well, adjusting it for him before laying her head down again.

And again, they laid together in silence, comforted by each other's presence, staring up at the stars.

Is this what it feels like to have a girlfriend? Jin thought to himself, his hand slowly rubbing Rebecca's arm, his arm around her. So full of love while laying with her? Feel so strong, protecting her with your arms. Feel, invincible.

"Jin," Rebecca spoke, her voice a soft whisper. She was tired, really tired. And when she got tired... "Jin are you going to stay with me until I fall asleep?" Rebecca held onto Jin tighter, looking up at him with wide yet tired eyes. She gets clingy when tired.

"Freckles, I'll stay with you the whole night." Jin bit his tongue, restraining himself from kissing her forehead. "I'll be right here when you wake up. I promise." Rebecca traced her finger across Jin's chest, her eyes fluttering close for a few seconds before opening again.

"You promise?"

"I promise." Jin brushed her hair from her face, smiling. "I never break my promises."

y'all i want a boyfriend :(

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