thirty four

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can you buy me a plane ticket?


"You have one suitcase and one bag, correct?" Namjoon typed away at his computer, filling out the document Bang had sent him.


"Make sure you can easily carry the bag. Like, over your shoulder, or a back pack or something." Namjoon had no problem giving Rebecca the needed attention and fill out the document with extreme detail. He was the leader of BTS, he was good at multi-tasking.

"I have an over the should thing." Rebecca held it up, her phone on her dresser angled at her who was at her bed. "So, I put in a pair of clothes, things for the plane, tooth brushes and what not in here?"

"Exactly." Namjoon nodded, glancing over at her and glancing away before she could notice his eyes. "Your suitcase is the bulk of your clothes, anything else you want. Don't put any electronics or food in the suitcase."

"Joonie." Rebecca smiled, going to her closet. "I've travelled internationally before, remember?" Namjoon paused his typing, thinking back to a few minutes ago.

"Oh you're right, my bad." He smiled to himself, resuming his typing, the sound of the keys fast and steady. "It gets kinda hot here by the way, but the nights are cool. Like, you could still wear shorts, but definietly need a blanket or sweatshirt as well. We have blankets here so you don't have to pack one. And you can always use our sweatshirts too if you don't want to pack yours."

"Yeet." Rebecca mumbled, throwing the clothes she previously had in her arms onto her open suitcase. Namjoon snorted and stopped his typing entirely, watching her refold everything and lay them nicely in the suitcase. She hummed to herself as she did so, not noticing the absense of the tapping keys, nor the prescense of Namjoon's stare.

He didn't even notice the smile on his face while he watched her. She was so calm, so, relaxed. Even through a phone, he felt at ease with her presense.

"What?" Rebecca laughed, finally noticing Namjoon's eyes on her. "Why are you smiling? Not that that's a bad thing! It's an amazing thing because you have a beautiful smile and dimples and I'm not saying you should stop smiling no never do that-"

"Becca." Namjoon chuckled softly. "It's okay. I know what you meant." Rebecca smiled nervously, scratching her head, holding a shirt in her hands.

"Are you going to tell me?"



"You see, I tried to sleep," Rebecca glanced at her phone, Jimin's face on it as he watched her drive and her facial expressions. "But like, it didn't happen."

"Was it nightmares?" Jimin frowned softly, knowing how important sleep is.

"More like nerves." Rebecca took a deep breath, turning onto a new road. "I was afraid I would miss my flight and then I started crying because I was scared of that happening and then I thought I didn't have everything so I went through my suitcase and bag again even though Namjoon helped me with everything. And then I thought I lost my passport..." Jimin let Rebecca rant, letting her let out her nerves and worries, not interrupting her. He would only stop her if she started to panic. But her mind worked fast. It got distracted once Ozzy barked, Spots barking as well. "Puppies you're okay. It's okay my dears." Rebecca stopped the car not soon after, letting out a breath before looking at Jimin. "I'm here."

"24 hours." Jimin smiled, his heart pounding in his chest. "24 hours and I get to hug you, hold your hand, anything."

"24 hours." Rebecca's voice cracked. "I can't believe this." She cleared her throat, taking a sip of her water. "None of this would've happened if I didn't write that letter to you guys."

"I'm so glad it did happen. I got to meet you."

Rebecca rubbed her cheeks, looking out her window, watching a plan take off. "I guess I should go in. I've never been in first class before."

"You're in first first class." Jimin smirked, rolling onto his back, about to go to bed. "We paid extra so you can be treated like a prin-queen." Jimin caught himself before he said that wretched word. Too many bad memories for Rebecca. No princess.

"I might just walk." Rebecca smiled, unbuckling herself. "I hate people doing everything for me." Jimin laughed, pulling up his hood on his hoodie.

"Let me know how that goes." Jimin and Rebecca laughed softly, Rebecca's hand on Spots' back. "Hey, in all seriousness, text me between each and every flight, okay? I want to know you landed safely." Jimin pointed to his eyes and then Rebecca. "I have my alarm set for each time you're supposed to land so I will wake up for sure. Don't forget to text me."

"I'll be fine Jimin." Rebecca ran her fingers through her hair, Jimin doing the same. "Really, I trust the planes."

"I just want to make sure, okay?" Jimin softened at his own words. He cares about her so much. So much that she can't process it all. No, her trust issues just smack his words away some times. She hasn't told them, none of them.

"I'll text you once I get to my seat." Rebecca nodded, picking up her phone. "I'm excited to sit in comfortable seats." Jimin sat in silence for a bit.

"Rebecca, have you ever seen first class seats before?"

"Yeah of course. They have better feeling seats than everyone else." Rebecca smiled, grabbing Spots and Ozzy's leashes. Jimin chuckled.

"You're so cute." Jimin shook his head, Rebecca looking at him.


"I'll let you find out yourself."


"Why was everyone so nice?" Rebecca walked through the airport, Jimin laughing his ass off on the other line. "How much did that all cost?! It was crazy!"

"You don't worry about the money alright? We're spoiling you like crazy and you're going to accept everything." Jimin stared up at his ceiling, the lights on, everything quiet around him.

"You sound like a sugar daddy." Rebecca snorted, unknown to how her words affect Jimin. He got flustered to put it simply.

"N-no that's not what I meant!" Jimin sat up quickly, his covers wrinkling beneath him, his face burning. "We're friends! Really good friends!"

"Jimin," Rebecca smiled, noticing a big crowd in the distance. "I was joking. But, I got to go. I'll see you in a bit."

"Okay bye!" Jimin let out a breath of relief.

Hey bex?

why do i see a crowd of people

So ARMY sorta kinda knows I'm here....

put on that mask I sent you a while ago, okay? You'll see me :)

Rebecca held Spots and Ozzy's leashes tighter after she put on her mask, walking confidently towards to crowd, silently cursing Taehyung out.

"Freaking idol, freaking fanbase, I don't want that many people looking at me I look like shit it was a forever travel, 24 hours of it. And I haven't-"

She froze, the crowd parting as Taehyung walked closer to her. He wore no mask, no attempt in hiding his appearance. God was he incredible. She knew he was beautiful but holy cow it's ten times better in real life.

Rebecca walked over to Taehyung, everyone whispering, recording, anything. She glanced to the side, Taheyung staring down at her with a huge smile, waiting for her to make the first move.

He expected a hug, not her hand outstreched for him to shake. Taehyung laughed and hugged Rebecca, picking her up and spinning her in a circle, everyone screaming, Taehyund and Rebecca laughing.

"Hello Angel."

sincerely, rWhere stories live. Discover now