sixty five

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"One two three four." Taehyung sang slightly, leaning closer to Rebecca's red face. "I declare a tongue war." She shrieked and ducked, crawling through his legs and ran. Taehyung ran after her, determined to engage in this war with his girlfriend. But unfortunately for him, she hid behind Namjoon.

"Woah woah." Namjoon chuckled, stepping to the side as Taehyung did. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing." Taehyung tried to step to the side, but Namjoon grinned, moving again. "I just want a kiss." He whined, Namjoon turning him around and pushing him lightly, Rebecca smiling widely from behind him.

God it was perfect.

But, the world just loves to fuck things over.

"Hello?" Rebecca answered the phone, both boys arguing, not paying much attention to her. But they did once Rebecca dropped her phone, running to her room.

"Bex!" Namjoon called out, Taehyung stumbling backwards after she pushed past him. Hoseok and Jungkook stood from the couch, watching with wide eyes as the door was caught by Jimin, Jin gasping softly. Everyone stood in her doorway, eyes wide and concerned. There she was, stuffing things into her suitcase and bag, Ozzy and Spots whining as her tears traced her cheeks.

"I gotta...go. I gotta go." She choked out, a nice bag falling from her bag. Jungkook recognized it to be the same bag she got when she bought her 'earrings.' Rebecca too saw the bag and picked it up, pushing it into Jimin's hands. "For you guys." She grabbed Jin by the hand, pulling him out of the room, her bag falling from her shoulder. "I need to go home. Right now I need a flight." She was pulled back, Jin stopping their walk. "I need to go home Jin!"

"What happened?" He held her by her shoulders, her bag falling to the floor. Hoseok put his hand on Jin's shoulder, Jin letting go of Rebecca as Rebecca started to cry.

"The doctor said that she needs to make a decision in 48 hours and I need to be there before she dies." 

Only a few of the boys really understood, Jin, Hoseok, and Taehyung were the only ones who understood.

"Come on." Taehyung picked up her bag, holding her hand as well. "Let's go, we need to get you a flight."

"What's wrong?" Jimin looked at his hyungs, confused. "Who's dying, why are there doctors involved?"

"Her sister has terminal cancer." Hoseok mumbled, pulling Jimin with him, the rest of the boys following Taehyung and Rebecca.



"Bec-" Taehyung froze, not even getting a kiss, or even a hug before she ran into the plane, leaving behind the boys without a goodbye. "ca." He sighed, watching the plane pull out, into the take-off area.

"Don't hold it against her." Namjoon rubbed his back, all of their eyes on the plane. "Her sister is going to die in a few days time." Jungkook closed his eyes and lowered his head.

'Why didn't she tell me? I could've helped...I would've found something to help her.'

"What's that bag you have Jimin?" Yoongi noticed Jimin walk off, sitting down at a cluster of chairs. The boys all sat around him, watching him rip the sticker off from the opening.

"She said it was for us." Jimin mumbled, slowly opening it.

"I was with her." Jungkook frowned, leaning forward, Jimin being too slow for him. "She said they were earrings..." Jimin smiled sadly, pulling out the contents of the bag. "Those aren't earrings."

Jimin passed out the bracelets, each boy carefully taking it. Hoseok was the last to put it on despite being the first to receive it. He held it close to him, taking a deep breath. "I'm never taking this off."

Namjoon looked down at his wrists. He never wore bracelets that often, they always got in his way while typing and what not. His head tilted. But the simplicity of the bracelet, the home-made type of feel reassured him. He would have to deal with the bracelet if it 'got in his way.' It's too precious to him now.

Taehyung folded his hands, putting his elbows on his knees and rested his lips against his folded hands. Slowly, he kissed the beaded bracelet, wishing he could've done something more for her. Anything.

"I'm going to miss her." Jin crossed his legs, leaning back in his chair. "I liked waking up to see her arguing with Ozzy, Yoongi on the better days." Yoongi rolled his eyes, already missing their teasing.

"You make it sound like we're never going to see her again." Hoseok put his arm around Taehyung's shoulders. "We're going to have to deal with the distance, but we were fine before. We can go back to the group chat texts, the FaceTime calls...Those were just as enjoyable as when she was here."

"But I couldn't throw a pillow at her during the FaceTime calls." Jungkook smiled softly, sitting up straight, letting his eyes leave his bracelet. "And I couldn't throw her in the pool."

"And she can't beat you in a swim race through the screen as well." Jimin laughed as Jungkook shoved him, everyone slowly lightening up.

"We don't speak of that." Jungkook smiled, letting out a slow breath. "Ah, I'm never forgetting those moments."

"Of defeat or of her?"

"Of her you dumbass."


Rebecca pushed passed her brother and sisters, her youngest sister fumbling with the leashes of Rebecca's dogs.

"Hey, hey Katy." Rebecca smiled gently, taking her sister's hand into her's, her mother's eyes burning into Rebecca. "Hey, I'm right her little sis." Kathryn smiled weakly, turning her head towards her eldest sister.

"Hi Becky." Kathryn croaked, using the nickname only Rebecca allowed Katy to call herself. "I'm going to miss you."

"I'm not leaving you Kathryn." Rebecca smiled, tears falling down her cheeks. "I'm right here. I'll be here the whole time." Kathryn was the sister Rebecca was the closest with. She was the sister closest in age with her. The birth order went Rebecca, Eli, Kathryn, Abigail, and then Hannah. Yes, four years were a big gap, but that didn't stop anyone.

Although Kathryn didn't quite understand Rebecca, she at least supported her, no matter what.

"You need to say goodbye." Eli kicked Rebecca's foot, his words slurred. Rebecca didn't turn her head from Kathryn, refusing to let her dick of a brother take her time away from her sister.

"You're going to be okay Kathryn." Rebecca nodded, her family closing around Kathryn. The doctor put something in her IV, Kathryn's eyes fluttering once he did so. "Everything's going to be okay."

Rebecca slowly lowered her head once the heart monitor flat-lined. Her head laid on the bed sheets, her eyes squeezing shut.

'I miss you.'

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