fifty three

821 57 8

"Please Yoongi." Rebecca begged slightly, Ozzy walking in circles around the two. "I have people who depend on me. I need my phone."

"Rebecca, there's-"

"You can sit with me." Rebecca's eyebrows pressed together. "Please. You can watch what I read. I just needed to text the people who really matter, who really need me." Rebecca's fingers came up and pulled at her lip nervously, her anxiety sky high. "Yoongi..."

"Come on." He guided her to the couch, a sigh of relief leaving her lips as she followed. "Just-"

"Be careful, I know."

It was deep in the afternoon, early night if you will. Six in the evening. The time everyone got off work, the time everyone was home, the time where people were on social media the most.

"They found where you write your books?" Yoongi asked, his arm around Rebecca's shoulders, watching her scroll to the bottom of her notifications, 1,000 plus on just her Wattpad account. She hummed, finally at the bottom.

"I need to read the announcements." She looked at him, chewing on her lip. "I need to make sure there aren't any cries for help."

"Absolutely not-"

"Yoongi." Rebecca chewed on her lips harder. "Please. I've gotten hate before, I can handle it."

"You haven't been attacked personally-"

"Yes I have!" Rebecca's emotions were twisted, being overwhelmed in the park, her personal life with her family falling apart, and now not being able to help the people who need her. "Yoongi, people tell me to kill myself, okay? They bitch about my personality. They do attack me, personally, not just my books." She took a deep breath, calming herself. "Not everyone is bad, okay?"

Yoongi didn't know what to say. "T-they-"

"I grew up in hate." Rebecca's eyes left Yoongi's, concentrating on the hundreds of announcements written on her profile. "My family hated me, I can handle hate from them."

Yoongi knew she wasn't going to let him talk, reassure her. He knew that she hates talking about her past.

He also knows, she likes hugs.

He shifted closer, wrapping both arms around her, laying his head on her shoulder, his eyes on her phone.

"I'm here for you Angel."


Rebecca sat in silence with Jungkook and Yoongi, the three of them watching a movie. Except, Rebecca was the only one awake. Jungkook had his head in Rebecca's lap, and Rebecca was scratching his head. Her nails moved smoothly, gently, not digging into his scalp.

Jungkook was in absolute heaven.

He relaxed so much, he fell asleep before the sun had fully set.

Yoongi has been awake for the previous 36 hours and finally crashed on the recliner, probably going to be there for the next 12 or so hours.

Her phone dinged which shocked her for she'd turned all notifications off. Well, the notifications for the apps that ARMY could find her.

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