seventy two

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Becca slowed her pace, allowing everyone to walk ahead of her, Sophie and Hoseok taking the lead. She waited for Taehyung, her eyes noticing his body posture.

"Bubba, are you doing alright?" She didn't walk, and Taehyung stopped, keeping his eyes on the trees around her. "You seem a bit off."

"I'm...yeah, Im fine." Taehyung's fingers came to tug at his lips, something Rebecca hasn't seen in a long time.

"Tae baby." Rebecca stepped closer, pulling his fingers from his lips. "If something's wrong, don't be afraid to tell me."

"I have to take care of you." Taehyung wrapped his hands around her waist, her arms around his neck. "I can't do that if you're worrying about me."

"Let me take care of you for once." Rebecca ran her fingers through his hair. She loved doing it, he loved it when she did. It soothed both. "You're still my baby."

Do it. Tell her.

"I have depression." Taehyung kept eye contact with her. When he told the boys, his eyes were everywhere but their eyes. Rebecca didn't react like how he thought she would. He thought her hands would stop, that her nails would stop lightly scratching his head. He thought she'd back away, be in shock.

But she didn't stop for one second.

"And that's okay." Her hands drifted down to the side of his face, rubbing his cheeks. "I love you more than anything in the world." She went on her tip toes and kissed his lips, the kiss lasting a little longer than a normal peck. "If you thought I was gonna judge you or hate you for it, you've got it wrong Bubba." Rebecca brushed his bangs from his eyes, smiling gently. "There's that fireplace I love looking into." Taehyung buried his face in her shoulder, hugging her tightly.

"I love you so much."

"I love you too Taehyung." Rebecca closed her eyes, hugging him tightly. He picked her up, spinning her slowly, neither letting their hold loosen for even a second. "I have depression too, my Taehyungie. I will help you through it. I'll help you with anything."

"God I love you so much." Taehyung sat her down, kissing her once again. "So so so much my baby Becca~" He started to attack her face with kisses, Rebecca laughing, bending backwards a bit, Taehyung still holding her tight and bending forward with her. "My beautiful star-faced love with her strawberry lips." All jokes left once their lips connected. They froze for just a second, their lips locked with each other's lips, until he kissed again, strong, passionate kisses.

They stood in the forest, birds chirping around them, the sun breaking through the leaves, the feeling absolutely magical. Both felt as if they were holding the world in their arms. Both felt so, free with each other's lips on each other.

It was so perfect.


"Ah fuck where's Becca." Namjoon turned in a circle, everyone walking around them, their conversation loud in this quiet forest. He sighed and pinched his nose, closing his eyes. "Hey dumbasses!" He raised his voice, everyone turning to face Namjoon, confused why he was yelling and why he stopped. "Do you notice anything?"

"You look like a grandpa standing all slouched like that." Jin looked down at his nails, whistling softly, avoiding eye contact.

"I do not slouch while-that's not the point!" Namjoon shook his head, pointing to them. "The point is Becca is missing and we are in the middle of a woods none of us know our way around."

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