one hundred nine

320 22 57

Cerys sat beside Becca, both waiting for the boys to finish their makeup. They were a decent while away from the boys, but they got to watch all of the noonas tell them stuff or whatever.

Cerys snorted once she looked over at Rebecca's face. "Jealous?" Cerys looked forward again, seeing one of the girls fixing something on Taehyung's face.

"No, of course not." Rebecca mumbled, not letting her eyes leave Taehyung.

"Mhm." Cerys put her elbows on her knees, watching the two as well. "You should go over there and fix it for her."

"There's nothing even wrong with his face!" Rebecca wasn't mumbling anymore, sitting up. "She's just touching him to touch him."

"Well he is Taehyung." Cerys smiled, glancing over at Rebecca again, trying to reassure her. "There's millions of girls that love him."

"I know." Rebecca sighed, still watching them. Cerys watched as Taehyung made eye contact with Rebecca. His entire face lit up and waved excitedly, Rebecca smiling and waving back.

"But," Cerys nudged her arm. "No matter how many girls swoon over him, he only has his eyes on you." Cerys snorted. "What a simp."


"He gave you this tiger, right?" Cerys picked the tiger up by its foot and held it like it was something disgusting. "Simp."

"It was sweet." Rebecca smiles, snatching the tiger back and hugging it.

"Oh boy." Cerys rolled her eyes, hitting the tiger's head. "Did he get you flowers too?"

"Namjoon did." Rebecca smiled, looking over at said man.

"Aren't you allergic?"


"Didn't you tell him that before?"

"Yep." Rebecca waved to Namjoon. "But he forgot and I don't have the heart to tell him."


"One, two, three, and four." Hoseok counted, Cerys following his movement, Jimin on the other side, dancing through the movements as well.

"Wow I'm so good." Cerys jumped a little after she finished the movements, Jimin and Hoseok laughing and applauding her. "I wanna learn Idol!"

"So what's with you throwing yourself on me?" Taehyung smiled down at Becca, his hands on her hips as they swayed slightly, just watching everyone.

"I'm not." Rebecca rested her chin on Taehyung's shoulder, glancing around at the different staff members.

"You are." Taehyung chuckled, pulling her back so he could look her in the eye. "Look at you." She didn't let go of his shoulders, even after he pulled back.

Rebecca cowerded into Taehyung, Taehyung smiling and hugging her. "I wanna make sure the other girls know you're mine."

"Awh babyyyy." Taehyung whined slightly, kissing her cheek several times until she shoved him off.

"Shush." She crossed her arms, finally letting go of Taehyung.

"So all I gotta do to make you clingy is be around other girls." Taehyung tucked a piece of her hair behind her hair, smiling at her cuteness.

Rebecca rolled her eyes and turned around, taking a step away from Taehyung. But Taehyung pulled her back, kissing her so forcefully that she had to lean back to absorb the movement. Neither let go of the kiss, Rebecca quite enjoying it. It let the other girls know they're dating.

"Well, my Baby," Taehyung whispered against her ear, Rebecca still leaned back, Taehyung holding her up. "I'm clingy too."

"But you have no reason to be." Rebecca let Taehyung stand her up straight, taking both of his hands into her own. "I'm-"

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