i'm having a bad day deal with this

272 13 14

*trigger warning*

Taehyung had a huge smile on his face on his drive home. Finally, the long day was over and he could finally see Rebecca. Their favorite take-out was on the passenger's seat, just picked up by Taehyung.

They were having a stay-at-home date night tonight. Building a fort together and eating take-out while watching a movie inside said fort. Taehyung and Rebecca even bought matching pajammas so they could make fun of themselves later on.

"Honey I'm home!" Taehyung called out with a cheesey smile on his face, closing the door behind him and tossing the car keys in the bowl. He waited for her usual response, that being, 'Baby I'm here!' But there was nothing.

Taehyung walked to the kitchen, noticing all the lights were off. He turned those on before setting the take-out on the counter, looking around for her.

"Babes, where are you?" He looked into the family, thinking she maybe fell asleep on the couch again. But she wasn't there. Taehyung walked back to the kitchen, searching for a note from her.

This isn't like her, disappearing without a word. They told each other everything, so where is she now?

"Bex." Taehyung took off his jacket, tossing it on the couch. "This isn't funny anymore, I'm getting worried." He looked in the hall closet, her not in there. "Where are you?"

The AC turned off, and that's when Taehyung heard it.

Running water.

Not just running water, running water and the sound of water hitting the ground. "Becca!" Taehyung raised his voice jogging over to the master bathroom. The carpet before the bathroom door was soaked, water escaping from the bottom of the door.

He opened the door to see the whole bathroom flooded. But that wasn't the worse part.

The worse part was that the water was stained red.

"Becca!" Taehyung cried out, running through the water to the tub, turning off the water. "Baby Baby no!" He clambered into the tub, pulling Rebecca into his arms, her eyes closed.

Taehyung sobbed out, placing his hands over her wrist, the cut so, so deep. "Please, please." Taehyung begged, hitting her cheek, her back against his chest. "God no, please wake up!"

Her lips were too drained of all color, her skin too pale, her eyes too sunken for her body to respond. It didn't have enough blood to do so.

Taehyung knew it was too late. He knew he had lost her.

In the overflowing tub of blood-stained water, he hugged Rebecca, rocking themselves back and forth.

"I love you so much." Taehyung choked out, tears blurring his sight from her face. "I'm so sorry I wasn't here. I'm so so sorry." He sobbed, hugging her tightly, sobbing into her.

He just lost, everything.

"You're so beautiful, my baby." He couldn't bring himself to move the hair from her face. His shaking fingers found her hand through the water, weakly intertwining his with her's. "You're just as beautiful as the day I met you.

"I never stopped loving you. I swear. I swear on, on my life."

His fingers felt something against her finger. He lifted their hands out of the water to see what was on her finger.

He dropped her hand, screaming in despair.

It was his favorite ring,

the one he gave her when he told her she was his favorite person.


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sorry i needed to write something like this to cope? i don't even know if this is coping. it's probably making it worse.

too bad i actually don't have enough balls to do something like this.

i might delete this later i dunno

yeah this isn't related to the plot at all so don't panic there's more to come i'm just not in the mood to write something happy or whatever

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