one hundred thirteen

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Taehyung was quite scared. Two am and he still hasn't gotten a blink of sleep.

He grabbed what he thought was his phone and texted Namjoon.


i know you probably won't respond but i'm scared

bex and her father are getting along so well, but he came in to her room while she was asleep and threatened me

he said he would hurt me if i stay in bex's life

hyung tell me what to do

Taehyung turned off the phone and sighed, the phone on silent. He knew it would take Namjoon a while to respond, and getting his feelings out really eased himself.

If Taehyung had paid closer attention, he would've seen his face on the lock screen.

He would've noticed the flower phone case.

He would've noticed he texted with Rebecca's phone, not his.


"I'll race you!" Rebecca laughed, running through the snow, desperate to win this little race with Taehyung.

"I'll win!" Taehyung chased after her, Rebecca throwing snow at him, trying to make him lose.

The two barely made it half way before Taehyung picked Rebecca up, both falling into the snow. Rebecca tried getting up again, but Taehyung dove for her feet, dragging her to the ground again. This process repeated, Taehyung and Rebecca exchanging roles occasionally.

But it ended in two on their backs, panting slightly. "Ooo snow angels." Rebecca giggled, moving her legs and feet, making a little angel in the snow. Taehyung closed his eyes, doing the same.

He managed to sigh with a smile before a giant snowball was dropped onto his face, Rebecca laughing and running off as he sputtered and sat up.

"Oh you're so dead!" Taehyung scrambled to his feet, full on sprinting as Rebecca screamed, running faster. The two ran through the woods, laughing and yelling at each other, hiding behind trees, throwing snow at each other.

They made peace by 'shaking hands' with sticks, not entirely trusting each other yet. And then, Tecca was formed.

They decided on one of their ship names for the snowman. Their options were Tecca or Bae.

It was a no brainer.

Tecca sounded badass.

Taehyung was patting the final touches on Tecca, Rebecca smiling behind him. "Tae!" She shouted and started to run. Taehyung turned around, dropping the stick to catch Rebecca. They both fell back, right into Tecca, destroying the poor snowman.

But that didn't matter.

What mattered was that they were kissing.

"Bex you got snow in my mouth!"

"Ew why'd you push it in my mouth!"

"I don't want it!"

"I don't want it either!"

"Don't spit snow at me!!!"

"Don't spit snow at me!!!"

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