one hundred sixteen

310 19 51

"Becca," She stood in front of the mirror, pulling up her sweatshirt to look at her stomach. "You haven't had your period in three months." She turned to the side, looking at the bump in her stomach. "Go to the doctor dumbass."

Rebecca pulled down her sweatshirt, already knowing it covered her stomach's new bump. She just thought she was gaining weight, keeping Taehyung's hands away until she found the will to work out-

But maybe it was something else.

Or someone else.


Rebecca sat in her car, tears streaming down her face as she stared down at the printed pictures. The ultrasound ... twelve weeks pregnant ....

She's ... she's going to be a mom.


"Taehyung I swear if you take off the blindfold I'm disowning you." Rebecca sat up her phone, pressing record once she was confident you could see her and Taehyung, mostly Taehyung's face.

"I'm not doing anything!" He laughed, sat on the bed, waiting for her surprise. "What are you doing? Are you force feeding me food? I swear if you shove a spicey thing in my mouth-"

"Shush." She put her finger on his mouth. "I'm going to fix your hair."

"Do it do it." Taehyung kicked his feet lightly, waiting patiently for his blind fold to be taken off.

Rebecca picked up the ultrasound pictures and showed the camera, a huge smile on her face. Then she pulled her shirt tight against her stomach, showing off her bump. She held up a thumbs up before flicking Taehyung's forehead.

"Ow!" He complained, rubbing his forehead. "What was that for?"

"Oh nothing." She took off his blind fold, holding the pictures behind her back. "We're 50% complete."

Taehyung leaned back on his hands, smiling up at his wife. "What are you up to? You're talking more nonsense than normal."

"We want four kids, remember?" She smiled, picking up his hands, kissing one of them. "Bubba, I'm pregnant." Rebecca showed the ultrasound pictures, Taehyung's jaw dropping. "We're having twins."

"Y-you're, you're pregnant!" He gasped out, covering his mouth after he looked up from the photos, seeing Rebecca pull her shirt against her stomach, the baby bump very clear now. "I'm going to be a Dad." He looked up at her teary eyes, his own tears sparking. "I'm going to be a Dad!" Taehyung exclaimed, jumping to his feet and hugging her tight, kissing her many times over.

"We're going to be a family!" Rebecca cried, holding Taehyung's tear-smeared face. "We're going to be parents!"

Taehyung dropped to his knees, holding her stomach in his hands. "Daddy loves you both so much." He kissed her stomach, rubbing it with his thumb, smiling as if he could see his babies. Rebecca smiled down at him, tears still running down her face as she pushed her fingers through his hair. Taehyung held her hand, nodding up at her before kissing her stomach again. "We, love you both so much."


Jungkook spit out his milk, Jin getting soaked. Namjoon dropped the tablet, the screen shattering upon impact. Hoseok jumped into the air, cheering, Jimin sliding down in his seat in shock. Yoongi started to cry, covering his mouth as he stared up at the couple.

"Y-You're carrying two sacks of life in there!" Jungkook cried out, standing on his chair, pointing at Rebecca's stomach, Jin boiling with anger as he wiped milk from his face. Hoseok and Jimin ran forward, hugging Rebecca tightly, Namjoon tripping over his feet as he too, hugged her.

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