one hundred three

286 23 8

"Becca?" Taehyung rolled over, facing Rebecca.

Rebecca did the same, smiling as she found his eyes in the dark. "Yes?"

"I have a question... I don't know if it'll make you uncomfortable a lot, but ever since the VLive, I can't stop thinking about it." Taehyung rubbed his chin as he spoke, Rebecca frowning slightly.

"What is it Bubba?"

"Do you want kids?" Taehyung asked a bit nervously. "You avoided the question during the live-"

"Because I thought it'd make you uncomfortable." Rebecca chuckled lightly, laying her hands under her head, searching his eyes. "Of course I want kids. I've always wanted to be a mom. Do you-"

"Yes!" Taehyung nodded quickly, a huge smile on his face. "I want kids more than you can imagine! I'm ready to be a dad!" Taehyung's mouth formed words, but he didn't speak them,, processing how he was going to ask the next thing. "Can we-"

"I want to get married before I have a kid." Rebecca looked away, knowing how excited he was, and hating that she put a damper on everything. "I'm sor-"

"No no!" Taehyung smiled, putting a finger over her lips, stopping her apology. "I understand! I swear, it's okay."

Rebecca let out a tiny sigh, smiling as well. "When we get married, I'll be more than ready to have kids."

'When,' Taehyung's heart went crazy. 'She said when!'

Taehyung looked past her, to the drawer. Deep down in that drawer, hidden behind multiple pieces of clothes, and locked in a box, was an engagement ring. When he got back from her house, he bought an engagement ring for her. He knew she was the one the minute she promised him that long distance will work, once she said how much she loved him.

He wanted to get up and propose right there, but he's been planing the perfect proposal for six months. He can't ruin it all now.

"I can't wait." Taehyung tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear. "We said four, right?"

"Four little stinkers." Rebecca crinkled her nose as she smiled, eyes sparkling.

"A gaurenteed four more times we get to have sex." Taehyung grinned, Rebecca rolling her eyes and hitting his chest lightly.

"What if we have twins?"

"Two times."


"Still two, Honey."


"I'm still getting two."


"Amber is picking me up for coffee." Rebecca spoke gently to the still half asleep Taehyung. "I'll be back in an hour or so."

"Amber?" Taehyung's voice was deep, cracking as well.

"Mhm," Rebecca kissed his cheek, Taehyung's eyes still closed. "I'm taking Yeontan with me."


"Go back to bed Taehyungie."

Rebecca walked out of the apartment, a pair of Taehyung's jeans on, a black turtle neck tucked in to them and a nice, over-sized coat as well. Amber waved excitedly, Jamie grinning as she unlocked the door for her, Rebecca smiling as she sat in the back.

"Long time no see." Rebecca buckled up, holding Yeontan in her lap.

"Hey!" Jamie turned around to face her as Amber pulled out into the road. "Why didn't you tell us your birthday was yesterday?"

"It wasn't ... relevent." Rebecca smiled nervously, Jamie narrowing her eyes at her.

"Bullshit." Jamie turned forward, bending down to get something from the floor. "Here."

"Oh thank you!" Rebecca laughed, holding up the book so Amber could glance back and see it through the rear view mirror. "I do need to finish learning Korean." It was a book on Korean of course, Jamie completely tormenting Rebecca last night. Rebecca could understand Korean, but she could only speak very broke phrases.

"Mine's much nicer." Amber held out a small box, Rebecca opening it to see a the silver band curved into the shape of a treble clef. "Saw your phone's background being a bunch of music stuff and double checked with Taehyung that you like music." Amber looked back with a proud smile. "You like it?"

"Oh I love it!" Rebecca put it on immediately, shoving the box into her pocket. "Thank you so much Amber!"

"Aye!" Jamie couldn't keep the hint of a smile of her face, Rebecca too sweet to be 'mean' to.

"And thank you so much Jamie. I'll start practicing once I get back to America." Rebecca patted the book, letting Yeontan sniff it.

"What?!" Amber and Jamie both shouted, Jamie turning around in her seat, a deep frown on Amber's face.

"I live in Virginia." Rebecca smiled nervously under Jamie's stare, Yeontan growling lowly, not exactly liking the face Jamie held. "I leave tonight."

"Tonight?" Amber pulled the car over almost immediately and turned around too, Jamie's jaw dropped. "You're leaving tonight?"

"My flight's at 10 tonight." Rebecca stroked Yeontan's head, calming him down. "I've been in Seoul for four days today."

"But we just met!" Jamie protested, Amber nodding. "We can't just, let you leave already."

"Why don't you live here?" Amber asked, Jamie huffing. "You're dating Taehyung, so?"

"My entire life is over in America, I can't just leave." Rebecca looked down at Yeontan once he put his paws on her chest. "Yes, I'm planning on moving to Seoul with him when he proposes."

"When?" Amber smiled slyly, nudging Rebecca's knee. "It's serious?"

"I thought it's been 6 months?" Jamie frowned, Amber hitting her arm.

"Love is love dumb shit."

"Shut it ass."

"When do you think you're going to be able to visit again?" Amber asked, Rebecca having to take a few seconds to think.

"After Bangtan is done with tour?" Rebecca answered, an apologetic smile on her face once Amber and Jamie sighed.

"We'll just visit you." Jamie nodded. "Give me your address."

Rebecca's phone rang, Rebecca holding up a finger, Amber making a face at her, Rebecca returning the face. "Tae-"

"Bex!" He shouted, Rebecca holding the phone a little further from her ear than before.


"Come back, I'm taking you to my parents today!"

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