sixty seven

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Rebecca walked out of her room quietly, a blanket wrapped around her tightly. She passed BTS despite their eyes all on her, sitting right on top of Sophie, instinctively holding her close. Rebecca sat side ways, her legs off to one side, her right side leaning against Sophie's body, her head on her shoulder.

BTS all remained silent, watching her close her eyes.

"Hi Becca." Taehyung welcome sadly, the one sat next to Sophie. Rebecca jumped eyes wide, her eyes locking on Taehyung, and then drifting off to the others. Her lip moved slightly, but stopped, looking at the ground.

" was your flight?"

Jin smiled sadly. "It went well. How are you?" Rebecca closed her eyes again, Sophie holding her tight.

"We're working to eating again." Sophie nodded, Rebecca looking down. "And smiling."

"I see you really did keep my doodles." Jimin turned to face Rebecca, holding a piece of cardboard. "Though I don't see the frame for it." He teased. Rebecca looked up at him, his doodles fading slightly on the material. It was from the box of things he sent her, her telling him she'd save his doodles. And she did. Her eyes drifted to the cardboard cut out of Jungkook standing in the corner, and then to the floor again.

"I still can't believe you sent her that." Yoongi slapped Jungkook upside the head, Jungkook chuckling. "I thought I told you no."

"I don't listen to you." Jungkook smiled innocently, Yoongi scoffing and turning back to Rebecca and Sophie. He watched Taehyung hold out his hand, him mumbling and asking if he can hold her hand. Rebecca turned her head towards Sophie, closing her eyes. Sophie sent Taehyung an apologetic look, him slowly lowering his hand.

"Is this the baby grand you've told me so much about?" Yoongi stood up, walking to the piano in the corner, surrounded by sheets of music. "Let's see, may I play?" Yoongi sat down, looking at Rebecca for an answer. She mumbled something and Sophie nodded, smiling gently. "I miss you rambling, Bex." Yoongi didn't look up as he talked, fumbling through the sheet music spread across the floor, picking an interesting piece. "Usually you'd come running to me every two seconds, you telling about an idea you have for a book, maybe something you saw. But you always had something to say." Yoongi glanced up, Rebecca staring at him. "Stuttering or not, you always had a story."

"Tell us a story?" Sophie rubbed Rebecca's arm, peering down at her low eyes. "Please?"

"A butterfly in a battlefield." She spoke softly, everyone completely silent, leaning towards the mourning girl. "And the dying solider, sprawled on the ground, rifle in hand, covered in blood and dirt, reaches a shaky hand to the blue butterfly. A pained smile crosses his face once the butterfly takes rest on his fingers." Rebecca closed her eyes. "The spark of relief is extinguished by the bullet to his head."

Sophie blinked. "You always do kill your characters, don't you?" Sophie tried to ease the sad awkwardness that sat in the room. "Never a happy ending."

"Not every story ends with a happy ending." Rebecca mumbled, Taehyung closing his eyes.

"What about us?" He spoke up, Rebecca opening her eyes at his voice. "Do we get a happy ending?" Rebecca was silent, her mind whirling for a response.

"I don't know."

Everyone's head turned once Yoongi started to play. The song was familiar to all, BTS' original song, 'Mikrokosmos' being played. This is what really eased the tension, this song. It was a very emotional song, to be put simply.

"Take a walk with me?" Jungkook stood before Rebecca, hand outstretched to her. Taehyung raised an eyebrow.


"Go." Sophie pushed Rebecca to her feet, Rebecca stumbling forward. "Go show him your property."

So that's how the two ended up on the dirt road, a small distance between the two while they walked silently. With everything going on, the silence wasn't uncomfortable. No, it was comforting.

Rebecca managed to keep everything at ease even in these dark times.

"You were her bias, you know." She spoke up, knowing Jungkook was dying to talk. "Kathryn, my sister, she loved you."

"Really?" Jungkook's heart sank. Oh how he wish he could've met Kathryn, told her thank you, maybe sing her a song before she passed.

"You two are so much alike." Rebecca had the memory of a smile on her lips, her eyes tearing. "Both so full of energy, so competitive, funny. You guys would've gotten along so well." Jungkook reached for her hand, just brushing her fingers before Rebecca pulled away, holding her hand to her chest, eyes wide. "Don't."

"I-I'm sorry." Jungkook stepped back, shocked at her response. She never denied a hand holding, never complained when he would pick her up, never pushed him away when he laid on her. And now? "I..." Jungkook didn't know what to say. This was something he never expected.

The gap between the two grew, the silence awkward and uncomfortable now. She led them back to her house at a gentle pace, Jungkook keeping up easily.

"Jungkook," Rebecca turned to him, the house just before them. "I'm-"

"You don't have to apologize." Jungkook cut her off, Rebecca shutting her mouth, listening to him. "I shouldn't have touch-"

"No, it's my fault." Rebecca interrupted him, shaking her head. "I'm being a bitch with-"

"No." Jungkook said sternly. "No don't say that. You have every right to be acting like this-heck, Becca, you aren't even being a bitch. You're just...quiet."

"I look at life a ballroom." Rebecca spoke, her words filling her head, unable to restrain them. "You have to keep dancing, no matter what. It may not be your favorite song, but another will play next, one that you will enjoy." She looked down at her fingers, twirling her ring. "Except, right now, I feel as if my ballroom has been taken away. Everything is, dark. I know you can dance in the dark, but....There's no where to dance."

Jungkook stared, his eyes locked on her's. "That's...I've never heard of that before; looking at life like that." He stopped, not really sure of what to say. But, there was something he knew. "Dance with me?" His hand was held out before her, waiting patiently.

"I don't know..."

"Come on Bex." He smiled, bowing slightly. "I'll do the Chicken Dance for you~"

"How about I dance with you and you don't do the Chicken Dance." Rebecca's lips curved slightly, unable to hold that smile back. Jungkook chuckled and took her into his arms, the two swaying and twirling, Rebecca relaxing, Kathryn escaping her mind for a few minutes.

Amazing what a dance can do to you.

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