thirty five

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"Tae." I looked around nervously, every surrounding us. "Get off the floor."

"But your puppies!" He kissed Ozzy all over his face, rubbing him quickly, both so full of energy. Spots had jumped into my arms, scared of all the people. I was struggling a bit under his movement and the bag still on my back. "Ozzy you're such a good boy!" Someone pushed me forward, my foot hitting my suitcase, tripping me. Spots escaped from my arms before I hit the ground, my nose throbbing.

"Well shit." I sat up, rubbing my nose.

"Becca." Taehyung pulled my hands from my face, us both on the floor. "Hey, are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine." I nodded, Spots climbing onto my lap, whining as everyone around us hushed. "I think it's bleeding a little. Taehyung pulled my mask down a little and widened his eyes.

"Oh that's not a little." Taehyung looked around, some of the girls running to a bathroom alread. "Can someone get us some paper towels?"

"What is going on here?" Several security personel approached us, looking all professional and such. I lowered my head, my nose really hurting now as I felt the blood smear across my face. I took off my mask and used it as a tissue to hold the blood as my nose continued to smear.

"Miss I'm so sorry." A girl bent down next to me, holding out some paper towels. "Someone rammed into me and I lost my balance and hit you-"

"No no it's okay." I reassured, trading the mask for the towels, Taehyung's voice in the background as some of the security rushed somewhere. "I understand. It's not that bad." She frowned and shook her head.

"It's very bad. That's a lot of blood."

Oh how reassuring.

"Okay Bex, we're going to get you to first aid." Taehyugn stood up, taking Spots and Ozzy's leashes and sliding my backpack off my back. "Come on." He held out his hand for me and I frowned.

"I'm okay, I just need to go to bathroom and clean my face." My eyes widened once I saw security walking over with a wheel chair. "No, Taehyung I'm fine. I can walk. I just need the bath-" He hoisted me to my feet, steadying me in his arms.

"You're not okay. That's a lot of blood Becca." Taehyung rubbed my arm, my frown deepening.

"Let me try to get it to stop, please. I don't want to cause all of this trouble." He opened his mouth to argue, but I stopped him. "Taehyung, please." One sigh later he said,

"Fine. I'll let you try. But if I have to go into the bathroom to pick up your unconcsious body up, I'm putting you up for adoption." Taehyung didn't let me respond to him as he walked to the security, meeting them and then explaining everything. Security proceeded to escort ARMY out of the area, Taehyung leading me to the bathroom, standing outside the room with my things and dogs.

They weren't wrong. It was a lot of blood. I threw the paper towel away, and cleaned off my face with water, some blood dripping into the sink as I did so. It took several minutes for me to contain it in a paper towel, my finger pinching the bridge of my nose, walking back and forth.

"You're a clumsy dumbass." I told myself, shaking my head. "Idiot."

"You're not an idiot." Taehyung' voice caused me to jump, my feet almost tangling themselves as I turned around to see him standing there.

"Taehyung this is a girl's bath-"

"Let me see." He pulled my hand from my face, the paper towel slowly releasing. "It's getting better."

"You need to get out before you get kicked out of the airport." I grabbed another paper towel and pinching my nose again. "Tae."

"Nope." He sat on the baby changing station, swinging his legs. "I don't want you to pass out."

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