fifty two

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"You're such a good boy." Rebecca laid next to Ozzy, rubbing his back, the energetic boy finally worn out. "The bestest boy." Spots whined and laid next to Ozzy, his head on Ozzy's stomach. "Of course you too my Love." Rebecca rubbed Spots' head, leaning over to kiss his snout. "You're both the bestest boys."

'I refuse to be jealous of dogs. I refuse.' Jungkook's nose twitched, watching Rebecca hug her two dogs. 'Nope. No way. I'm not jealous. Nope nope.'

'But if you join...'

"Awhh look how cute." Jungkook stood up from where he sat in the kitchen, his drink long forgetten before he sat beside Spots. "I mean you too Bex." Jungkook rubbed Spots' neck, his nails scratching it.

"Kook, don't scratch his neck." Rebecca reached over and carefully moved Jungkook's hand from Spots' neck. "He doesn't like that."

"Oh shoot I'm sorry." Jungkook apologized to Spots, Spots licking Rebecca's hand.

"Hey it's okay." Rebecca reassured, placing Jungkook's hand on Spots' head. "Instead, trace your finger up his snout and on to the top of his head. He loves that." Rebecca used his hand, showing him how to get to Spots' soft spot. "I do this to him before he goes to sleep. Ozzy, on the other hand..." Rebecca let go of Jungkook's hand and moved back to Ozzy, rubbing his ears and then down to his neck, back up to his ears. "His ears and neck are his favorite."

"You really know them well." Jungkook smiled gently, looking up from Spots. "They're so lucky to have you."

"Well, every owner shoulder know what's best for their pets." Rebecca shrugged, laying her head on Ozzy. "It's just the basic form of love."

"Like, knowing that you like your hand held, is that a basic form of love?" Jungkook laid his hand on Rebecca's, Rebecca raising her head from Ozzy's side, the dog passed out.

"Y-yeah, it is." Rebecca cleared her throat, Jungkook's thumb rubbing her hand. She laid her head back down on Ozzy, Spots licking her cheek. "Jung-"

"Hey do you guys want to go take a walk with me?" Namjoon interrupted the two, Jungkook looking over, forcing his eyes away from Rebecca. "I'm just going to the park and to walk through the trees and such."

"Sounds like a plan." Rebecca stood up, Spots following suit, Ozzy still asleep. "Can I bring Spots?" Spots stood beside Rebecca, her hand resting on his head, giving him the reassurance he needed. "He doesn't do well alone."

"Yeah of course." Namjoon nodded, Jungkook standing up beside Rebecca. "You coming too, JK?"

"Duh." Jungkook put his hands on his hips, glancing over at Rebecca. "You're leaving Oz?" Rebecca nodded, looking back at her sleeping dog. "You need to tell someone about him or will he be fine?"

"He should be fine." Rebecca nodded, rubbing Spots' head.

"Just go tell Jin-"

"He's asleep." Rebecca cut in, walking to the bedrooms, getting Spots' leash. "He's had a long day." Namjoon and Jungkook watched her walk back in her room, frozen in slight shock.

"Since when did she know more about us then we know?" Jungkook joked, walking over to grab his jacket, his tattoos needed to be covered in public.

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