eighty five

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Rebecca's phone vibrated over and over while she worked. She was busy today, always a new table serve. She did not need her jeans pocket vibrating every two seconds. Once she got behind the counter, she pulled out her phone and rolled her eyes at who it was.


She muted her phone and went back to work, smiling over at her co-workers.

"Do you think something happened between her and her boyfriend?" Ella looked up at Lexi, cleaning the countertop. "She hasn't said anything about him today."

"Yeah she's usually talking about him a lot." Lexi mumbled, glancing over at Rebecca. "Leave her be. It's none of our business." Lexi smiled. "But we can take her out clubbing tonight."

"That's.." Ella's face blossomed with a smile. "A wonderful idea."


"Yeah yeah give me ten minutes." Rebecca shoved Ella out of her bathroom, in the process of putting on make-up. "I'm not a magician, I can't get ready in two seconds."

Lexi and Ella found chocolate in Rebecca's cupboard, already ready by the time their friend came out to meet them.

"Okay, phone." Lexi did the double checking, making sure everyone had the things. "Pepper spray. Heels." Lexi held up thumbs up, the other two nodding. "Okay let's go."

Rebecca finally got to look at her phone for the first time all day once they got in the car, but Ella took it away from her.

"No phones unless it's an emergency." Ella raised her chin proudly, the tree girls in the back of the Uber. "It's girls night, not phone night."

Rebecca sighed with a smile. "You're right. Let's have fun tonight."


"Hello?" Rebecca mumbled, eyes still closed as she answered her phone.

"Well at least I know you're alive." Taehyung stopped his pacing and crossed his arms. "Nice to hear your voice, girlfriend."

"You know what?" Rebecca's voice was short as she sat up, a headache ripping her head apart. "If you're just going to be salty with me, you might as well hang up now because I'm not dealing with this shit so early in the morning."

"It's two in the afternoon for you." Taehyung snapped, Rebecca glaring at the ground, anger boiling inside of her. "Where were you yesterday? You didn't asnser any of my texts or calls."

"Oh so now you know how it feels." Rebecca spoke lowly, laying on her back as she talked. "Being ignored all day."

"It's my job Becca!"

"Yeah I have a job too!" Rebecca sat up suddenly, raising her voice. "Not everything revolves around you! I have a life outside of texting you every hour! I worked my ass off to pay for college and to visit the boys! And God forbid I go out with friends last night!" Rebecca took a shaky breath. "How about we talk about you cancelling on me because your drunk ass forgot about me!"

"I didn't forget you!" Taehyung raised his voice as well, glancing at his door, making sure it was closed.

"Really?!" Rebecca was louder than him, throwing her feet over her bed to stand. "Then what, Taehyung? Please, enlighten me!"

Taehyung licked his teeth, eyebrows furrowed as he glared at the wall in front of him. "I went out with friends after a long day. They took me drinking and I lost track of time."

Rebecca waited for an apology, but none came. A silence full of anger sat between them.

"Well, I lost track of time then too." And she hung up, clutching her phone tightly, glaring down at Taehyung's smiling face in her background. Her face wavered, tears pricking at her eyes as she instantly felt horrible about the fight.

Unknown to her and Taehyung, they both threw their phones at the same time. They sunk to the floor, holding their heads as they cried out of frustration and guilt.

The only difference was Taehyung had Hoseok, and Rebecca had her dogs.

Taehyung had words of reassurance.

Rebecca had the silent love.

But they didn't have each other.

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