one hundred eleven

336 16 53



"Can I take you on a date?"



"Because you're on tour."

"No I'm not."

"Yes you are."

"Not uh."

"Yeah huh."

"But can I take you on a date?"

"You don't even have to ask Tae."

There was a knock on her door and Rebecca almost dropped her phone. "Hold on someone is at the door." She kept the call on, hoping the visitor would be quick so she could go back to her argument with her boyfriend.

She opened the door and dropped her phone, jumping into Taehyung's arms. "Oh my God!" She cried out, hugging him tightly, Taehyung laughing and hugging her as well. "You're here!"

-- here's a different scenario because i can't make my mind up --

"This is minute ten of me driving to Becca's." Taehyung glanced at his phone while he drove. He was on VLive, a nice little surprise for ARMY, and so he could remember this moment. "I'm so excited!!"

"I bought her coffee at the airport becuase she loves coffee." Taehyung did a little dance, beyond pumped to see her. "And I have a bunch of things from the guys because they miss her as well." Taehyung chuckled to himself. "I think Jungkook has like, ten different ramens for her to try. Yoongi has a binder full of music he wants her to learn and Namjoon has an album full of pressed flowers and pictures of nature."

"I don't remember the others though, but I know she'll like it." Taehyung put the car in park, sitting back in his seat. "Why am I nervous?" He hugged himself with a smile, looking up at her house. "I hope Spots tackles me." Taehyung unbuckled and glanced at the camera. "Spots is one of her dogs-oh I can't wait to see Berlin!! I hope he's learned how to get around. Berlin is blind, by the way."

Taehyung held up a bouquet of flowers. "They're fake because she's allergic. Big brain move on my part."

"Oh I hope she is in like, sweatpants and no make-up on. If she's wearing a bun in her hair I might die." Taehyung walked up the steps to the porch. "Here's her door-"

The door opened, revealing Rebecca holding her phone. Taehyung could hear his voice through her phone, his VLive playing on her phone.

"I ...." Taehyung didn't know what to say, not planning on her watching his VLive. "Surprise?"

Rebecca smiled and ran forward, hugging him tightly. "I can't believe you acutally came!"

-- back to the plot --

(VLive is ended as well)

"Thank you so much." Rebecca hugged Taehyung, both inside now. "Such short notice and your tour is just about to start as well."

"I wish I could do better than three days." Taehyung held her just as tight, his eyes closed.

"No no this is absolutely beyond perfect." Rebecca reassured him, kissing his cheek, both still hugging. "I saw you, what, two weeks ago?"

Yes, it is December 20th, a little less than two weeks and Rebecca had made her decision regarding her parents.

She would try and reconnect as well.

They were her parents after all ,, and all she's ever wanted in life was to be loved and accepted by them.

Even after all of those years of being hurt by them.

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