thirty seven

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"Why didn't anyone wake me!" Taehyung shouted, Rebecca peeking over the counter to see him standing there in his pajamas. "Hyung!" Yoongi shrugged his shoulders, pouring out the smoothie into glasses, Jin and Rebecca making food in the kitchen.

"Jin!" Rebecca laughed, pancake batter on her cheek. Jin laughed, pouring a pancake onto the griddle, keeping his eyes away from her. She wiped it away and smeared the remains on Jin's face. "Simba." Jin rawred, leaving Rebecca to laugh again, holding the plate for the finished pancakes.

"Becca," Jin was already smiling widely, forcing himself to finish the sentence. "What did Mufasa say to Simba when he was moving too slow?" Taehyung raised an eybrow, Yoongi setting down the pitcher to watch Jin deliver his joke. "'I must ask you to Mufasa.'" Rebecca and Jin both burst out laughing at the same time, the pancakes still on the griddle. Taehyung rolled his eyes with a smile, walking over to Namjoon and Jungkook in the family room. Jungkook was wrestling with Ozzy, Spots' head in Namjoon's lap as they watched the two crazies fight.

"Breakfast!" Jin called out a few minutes later, Hoseok walking in from the hallway, a face scrub on his face. "No, clean your scrub off." He immediately pointed to the hallway. Hoseok sighed and turning back around, Rebecca smiling as she sat one of the trays of pancakes on the table. Jimin ran into the dinning room and practically jumped into the seat beside Rebecca, her eyes widening as he did so. Yoongi shoved Jungkook away from him and sat in the seat on the other side of her, Jungkook watching with his mouth open.

"Not fair." Jungkook sat across from her, a smile blossoming on his face as he waved at Spots. "Bex, I love your dogs I think I might steal them." Rebecca froze, the drink against her lips. She blinked several times, staring at Jungkook.

"How about no."


"Why don't you adopt your own dog?" Rebecca sat her drink down, taking the plate of pancakes from Jimin and putting two on her plate. "You'd love it."

"I don't know how to take care of a dog." Jungkook was about to dump ther rest of the pancakes on his plate, but Hoseok slapped his arm, not letting Jungkook eat ten pancakes.

"Well I'll teach you and before we leave, we can maybe get you a dog if you enjoy taking care of my dogs." Rebecca smiled, pouring a little of syrup onto her pancakes before passing it to Yoongi. Jungkook looked down at his plate with a soft smile.

"Jeon!" Taehyung shouted from down the table, mouth full of pancakes. "I offered to help you!"

"Shut it Kim!"

"You treat me like I'm nothing!"

"No, you're at least a piece of shit."


"You idiots need to shut up."


"I think we should shove Yoongi in the trunk and call it a done deal." Jungkook shrugged his shoulders, everyone standing in front of the cars. "Then we can all fit in one car." Yoongi glared at Jungkook and Rebecca stepped between them, smiling.

"Orrrrr, we could take two." Rebecca looked over at Hoseok. "Which one are yours?"

"All of six of them." Hoseok nodded towards the five cars and motorcycle. "Namjoon doesn't have one."

"I'm stilling studying!" Namjoon rubbed his forehead, his cheeks growing red.

"I'll take you." Yoongi grabbed Rebecca by the hand, pulling her to the motorcycle after shoving Spots and Ozzy's leashes in Taehyung's hands. "Here." Yoongi was about to toss the helmet to her, but handed it instead. "Ever ridden one before?" He walked over to the truck and pulled out another helmet from the trunk, putting it on himself.

"I don't even know how to put on the helmet." She looked at the thing, the helmet not the lightest thing in the world either. "Wait no I'm scared."

"It'll be fun." Yoongi helped Rebecca put on the helmet, making sure it was on her head securely. "It's not that far of a ride don't worry."

"Woah woah woah." Jimin walked spoke up, speaking for everyone. "If she's scared-"

"Yeah I think I should drive her." Jungkook raised his hand, his other on Ozzy's head. "I'm a good driver."

"It'll be fun Becca." Yoongi wasn't taking no as an answer, climbing onto his motorcycle, looking back at the girl. "Come on, you can hold onto me." Jin raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms as he watch Rebecca sit behind him.

"Like this?" She wrapped her arms around him, about in the middle of his stomach. "Is this okay?"

"Whatever is most comfortable for you." He responded, this conversation only heard between the two of them. "Ready?" Yoongi started the motorcycle, Hoseok sighing and getting into the passenger side of Jungkook's Mustang, Jungkook already inside.

"Promise you'll drive safe?" She held on tighter, their bodies close together. Yoongi smiled, guiding the motorcycle forward.

"I promise."

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