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"You have a piano in your room?" Rebecca asked softly, her arms wrapped with Yoongi's. Yoongi turned on the lights and smiled softly, leading her to his bed, grabbing a blanket.

"I do. I have a soundproof room so the boys won't have to hear me playing it at two am." Yoongi wrapped the blanket around Rebecca, making sure it was good enough to get her warm. "Better?" She nodded, still looking around. Yoongi caught sight of the music not around her neck. "Come on." He led her to the piano. "Let's play together." The bench was long enough for both to sit on it, though it required them to sit close together.

"The argument you had with Jin," Rebecca spoke up as she took a seat next to Yoongi, her eyes on the keys. "It's all okay, right?"

"You can't just sleep with her!" Yoongi raised his voice, Namjoon staying quiet behind Jin

"I didn't have sex with her if that's what you're getting at!" Jin argued back, just as pissed off as Yoongi was.

"Did you even ask if she was comfortable with you two fucks squished next to her??" Yoongi dragged Namjoon into the argument, his eyes fluttering closed as he sighed.

"We did-" Namjoon tried to ease the argument with a calm answer, but Jin wasn't finished.

"Of fucking course we did Yoongi!" Jin paced back and forth and then stopped. "Do you really think we're that big of douches?!"

"You never know." Yoongi lifted his head, eyeing Jin. Jin's nose flared, his whole day going to shit. Wake up to horrible comments and self doubt, and then Yoongi catching him and Namjoon with Rebecca.

"Fuck off Yoongi." Jin growled, standing up straight while Namjoon stood as a warning to Jin. "Stop being a jealous prick." Namjoon stepped between Jin and Yoongi, pushing Yoongi away lightly.

"Just walk away. Don't instigate it any further." Namjoon nodded and Yoongi turned on his heel. "We promised each other we wouldn't fight over her."

Yoongi slammed the door.

"We're fine Rebecca." Yoongi reassured, a book in his hands. "Don't worry about us." Rebecca nodded, watching as Yoongi put the book on the piano, opening to an unfamiliar song. "Do you want to hear some magic?"

"Of course." Rebecca scooted over a bit to give Yoongi more room as he laid his fingers on the piano. Her eyes fluttered closed after a few measures.

Gosh it was magical. It felt like after wandering through a garden for ages, you finally found the door that millions have told you it was just a legend. But you knew it was wrong. Relief flows through your body as you open the door, all of the promises waiting for you beyond that door.

Rebecca's eyes searched for the composer's name while he played, unable to find one, the page flip barely processing with Rebecca. Finally, her brain found some brain cells once she saw the notes.

Hand written notes.

He wrote this.

His hands moved so gracefully, wrists flowing with the needed movements. And his eyes, Rebecca watched those after seeing the sheet music. They barely darted between the sheet and the keys, his hands too familiar to need aid from the eyes. Heck, his eyes barely stayed open, the majority of the song already memorized.

Yoongi saw Rebecca in the corner of his eye, her watching him. He bit the inside of his cheek to stop from smiling.

Time stopped for a while for both of them. I mean, it's what both have been dreaming of their whole life.

Hell, both are so similar.

Both found a first love in the piano. Left it behind for a while before coming back and truly seeing how beautiful it really is. Using the piano as a coping mechanism to survive through the toughest of times. Both have their first piano with them in their homes as well.

And their own pianos will forever and always be their first loves.

"You wrote that?" Rebecca talked softly, Yoongi turning towards her as well.

"I did."

"That was...beautiful...extraordinary." She blinked quickly, her eyes darting around his face. "I-I loved it, so much. I could listen to it for forever." Yoongi and Rebecca's faces drifted closer together, time stopping once again.

"I'm glad you loved it." He mumbled, his eyes falling to her lips.

God they were so close. So so close to closing that space between them. So close to sealing their lips with each other.

But Rebecca pulled away, facing the piano once more. Yoongi turned too, rubbing the back of his neck, trying to play off what just happened.

But how the hell do you do that when you were a centimeter from kissing the girl you love?

"Will you teach me how to play it?" Rebecca changed the topic smoothly, trying to play it off as well.

"Of course I can."

She's just not ready.


She likes him, she does,, right?

Yeah, yeah she doesn't hate him.

She's just not ready...




is it bad? i've never done so much 'romance' before or whatever the hell this fic is. someone tell me if i need to change it?

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