eighty seven

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"You have the ticket?" Jimin double checked over the phone, Rebecca going to their dorm.

"Yes I have the ticket." Rebecca smiled, unlocking the dorm, it quiet inside for BTS had been at the stadium all day. It was their first concert for comeback season, they had to make sure everything was perfect. "You guys getting ready still?"

"Yeah we're kinda just chilling backstage." Jimin laid down on the couch, stretching. "Hair and make up starts soon though."

Rebecca hummed her response, putting her bags on Taehyung's bed. She walked over to the desk and picked up the little tiger plushie sitting with a bow and note, a smile immediately melting across her face.

'Happy 6 months my Love! I miss you every day and I hope you will think of me when you see this tiger xox'


Rebecca and Jimin both jumped at Taehyung's voice, Jimin quick to hide the phone screen. "Becca's birthday is in a few days, don't forget to get her something."

"I know aish." Jimin chuckled. "I have it bought and wrapped already. What did you do?"

"I bought her-" Taehyung began, but Jimin remembered that Rebecca was still on call with him.

"Don't tell me!" Jimin interrupted, standing up. "I want it to be a surprise!" Jimin hurried off, Rebecca trying to hold in her laughter.


"I think we're clear." Jimin whispered, hurrying down a hallway to get away from Taehyung.

"I'll let you go Jimin." Rebecca patted the tiger's head, exiting the room and flickering off the lights. "I should get going too."

"Do you have an ARMY Bomb?" Jimin slowed his fast pace. "If you need one, Jin has a stash in his closet. Don't ask, I don't know either." Rebecca giggled and made her way to Jin's room, taking the ARMY Bomb and leaving. "You're leaving now?"

"Yes I am." Rebecca nodded, standing before the elevator. "I'm leav-" She froze, the elevator opening. There stood Sejin, BTS' manager. "H-hi Sejin - Mr. Sejin?? Sir-"

"Becca, right?" He smiled widely, holding the elevator open. "Jimin told me to pick you up." Rebecca smiled nervously as Jimin laughed into her ear.

"Oh did he now?" She spoke through her teeth. "He must've forgot to mention it."

"I love you Becca~" Jimin sang, doing a little dance as he laughed.

"Love you too Chim." Rebecca sighed with a smile, hanging up the phone. She straightened her back and held out her hand for Sejin. "Hi I'm Becca, Taehyung's-"

"Girlfriend." Sejin nodded, shaking her hand. "He's mentioned you,, quite a lot." Rebecca smiled nervously and stood inside the elevator with the manager.

"Sorry about that."

"You don't have to apologize." Sejin pressed the ground floor. "It's cute."


"Miss!" Sejin called out after Rebecca had started to walk away from him, trying to get to the pit. "Jimin said you would need a mask." Sejin walked over to her and handed a purple mask. "ARMY will be able to recognize you,, being V's girlfriend and all."

"And if they do?" Rebecca frowned softly, putting on the mask and tightening her ponytail.

"Well, hopefully nothing." Sejin cleared his throat gently. "But if something does happen, security already knows where you'll be and they'll keep an eye on you."

"Oh I could get mobbed." Rebecca mumbled, looking down at Taehyung's sweatshirt she wore and the necklace he had bought for her. "Well, don't you love ARMY?"

"Of course I do." Sejin patted her shoulder. "We'll keep an eye on you, don't worry Miss."

"Thank you for everything Sejin." Rebecca waved and joined the small crowd forming quite steadily. "Hi." Rebecca nodded to the girl she stood beside, putting the ARMY Bomb strap on her wrist, noticing Jin's signature on it. "How are you?"

"Oh the best I've ever been." The girl responded with a wide smile, engaging in conversation with the fellow ARMY. "I finally get to see BTS in real life!"

"You're going to love it. They're truly amazing." Rebecca smiled widely, holding the ARMY Bomb loosely in her hands, noticing security glancing over at her. "You live here?"

"Just out of the city." The girl nodded, smiling up at the stage. "My parents bought me tickets for my birthday."

"Today's your birthday?" Rebecca turned towards the girl, eyes wide.

"Oh no, it was last week." She dismissed the thought.

"Well, happy belated birthday." Rebecca nodded, turning back to the stage as music started to play. She sighed softly, resting her elbows on the gate set up in front of her and the girl. The two made small talk as they waited for the concert to start.

As safety announcements sounded, the girl beside Becca spoke, "So what's it like dating Tae?"

"Amaz- wait." Rebecca froze, slowly turning to the girl beside her who looked up at the stage, avoiding eye contact. "Shit."

"Hey don't worry." The girl turned towards her, smiling. "I'm cool with it. You seem chill and you're really nice." She went back to staring at the stage. "I would've scrapped you if you were a bitch though."

Rebecca blinked twice, still in shock, touching the mask on her face to make sure it was still there. "How did you know it was me?"

The girl sighed and turned back to Becca. "I drew some fanarts of you and Tae. Plus," She tugged on Rebecca's sweatshirt strings lightly. "I recognized Taehyung's sweatshirt. And you both wear the same necklace." She pulled Rebecca's chain and then held up her hand. "And the matching ring and not to mention," She held up Rebecca's other hand. "His ring."

"Is there a problem?" Security appeared out of no where, the ARMY letting go of Rebecca's necklace and her hand. "Why are we touching her?"

"Oh no we're okay." Rebecca reassured, smiling. "She was just looking at my jewelry. Thank you though." Security let one last stare at the ARMY before walking back to positon, keeping an eye on Rebecca.

"Damn so do you always have a squad of those buff dudes following you around?" The ARMY smirked, turning to the stage.

"No, they're just watching out I guess." Rebecca too looked up at the stage. "What's your name?"

"Jen. And what about you? Rebecca or Becca?"

"Either." Rebecca shrugged, drawing small circles with her ARMY Bomb. "It doesn't matter to me."

The stadium erupted in lights and music exploded all around them. All ARMY Bombs flashed the colors of the rainbow and screams fought for control over the music.

"Well Becca." Jen stood straight, waving her Bomb. "Ready to have an amazing concert?"

Rebecca smiled. "You bet."

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