ninety one

340 27 22

Rebecca giggled, handing a Jin a napkin. He had taken a bite of his powdered sugar Oreo, and the sugar exploded everywhere. After she did so, she pulled her hat down on her head lower, the winter breeze quite vicious at the moment.

Taehyung caught her eye, and she didn't entirely like what she saw. He was talking witha  worker, smiling bright smiles. But that wasn't the problem. She didn't mind if Taehyung talked to other girls, what bothered her was that he tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear.

Jin slowed his chewing, watching Rebecca's face slowly lose it's spark. He turned to see what she was looking at. Taehyung had his hands on either side of the girl's face, both laughing. Jin sighed and turned back to Rebecca who was angrily stirring her hot chocolate. "Grab him by the ear and don't let go until that ear turns a horrid shade of red."

"Would I be a bitch if I took him away from her?" Rebecca asked, no longer stirring her drink.

"Oh absolutely not." Jin shook his head. "I know for a fact he would be next to you if you talked to a guy other than us seven. And if my girlfriend was touching another guy like that, I wouldn't be entirely too happy either." Jin took a bite of his hamburger. "Go get him."

"Hey Tae?" Rebecca stood beside him, looking up at him as he turned his attention to her. "Can I talk to you for a little bit?"

"Yeah of course." Taehyung smiled, oblivously to Rebecca's unease behavior. "It was nice meeting you!" Taehyung waved goodbye to the employee, following Rebecca to behind a food vendor. No one was around to hear them.

"Tae... I'm going to be honest with you, I really didn't like you touching her like that." Rebecca looked down at her hands, Taehyung's smile fading.

"What? The employee? I was just being nice." Taehyung frowned, looking back to where he once stood.

"Yeah, but you adjusted her hair, and you cupped her face." Rebecca rubbed her arm, feeling slightly guilty about her words, but she didn't want to keep her feelings bottled up. "It just made me feel uneasy."

"You know you're the only one for me." Taehyung smiled, his hands settling on her waist, Rebecca smiling up at him, relaxed. "I'm sorry Princess. I'll keep my distance next time."

Rebecca froze, her smile dropping. Every part of her tensed up, memories flashing in her head. She waited for Taehyung to realize what he said, but there was nothing.

Taehyung frowned, confused as to why Rebecca look mortified. "What? What did I do?"

Rebecca pulled away from him and ran, ran past him, Jin, and other employees.

She only stopped running once she reached Yoongi and Hoseok, bursting into tears, the pair hugging her tightly.

"Hey!" Jin barked, cornering Taehyung. "What the hell did you do to her?"

"I-I don't know!" Taehyung's voice shook, eyes wide, backing up as his hyung stepped forward. "She just freaked and ran off."

"God Taehyung." Jin growled and turned on his heel, going back to his food, Namjoon sitting down slowly, missing the whole beginning of everything.

"Uhm-" Namjoon tried, but Jin wasn't having it.


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