forty nine

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"Your hair is so beautiful." Jimin slowly wracked his fingers through my hair, Jungkook sitting in front of me with a bag of makeup. "I've never done long hair before. Usually it's just Jungkook's or Namjoon's."

"Here's my collection of nail polish." Taehyung. sat down beside Jungkook, a whole bin next to him. "What color do you want?"

"Oh, I could do whatever." I looked down at my hands, twirling my rings.

"You sure I can pick?" Taehyung double checked, his eyes on me as I kept mine low.


"Chin up Beautiful." Jungkook lifted my chin up, smiling with a make up brush in his hand. I didn't say anything and let him do my make up, Taehyung taking my hand and doing my nails as I felt Jimin twist and curl my hair behind me. We didn't talk much, listening to music from Taehyung's phone and finding comfort in each other's presence.

Jungkook was the only one made noise. He mumbled to himself little make up tips. Probably learned from his stylists I assume.

"I'm not used to doing eyeshadow on such big eyelids." Was his first sentence directed to me. I smiled softly, making eye contact.

"Did you just insult my eyelids?" I teased gently, Jungkook stopping the make up brush.

"No no! No you have beautiful eyelids it's just mine are much-" He stumbled over his words, Taehyung and Jimin and I laughing at his nervousness.

"It's okay Jungkook." I reassured, ourselves going back to the quiet state we were at before. Jimin finished my hair shortly after, fluffing it for a bit before hugging me from behind, resting his chin on my shoulder.

"Are you feeling better Angel?" He asked, both of us watching Jungkook and his concentrated face.

"I am. I am feeling a lot better." I nodded, forgetting Jungkook doing my make up.

"Becca!" He hissed teasingly, resuming once I stopped moving again. "You dummy."

"You know, there's something I've figured out about you." Taehyung finished the last nail for me, closing the vial and smiling up at me. "You're either super shy or super badass and there's no in between."

"Oh I do see it!" Jungkook nodded excitedly, still doing my makeup.

"Wait no." I covered my face, Jungkook forced to stop.

"See??" Jungkook pulled my hands down from my face gently. "The other Becca would've been like 'oh fuck off Jungkook.'"

"No I would-"

Yoongi slammed a door and stormed out, opening another and slamming that. I frowned as the other three turned their heads.

"I do not want to be near him while he piss-" Jungkook drifted off, watching me stand up.

"What are you doing?" Jimin asked, standing up as well, Taehyung and Jungkook still sitting.

"I'm going to talk to Yoongi." I nodded, but Taehyung caught my hand, pulling me back.

"He's really upset." Taehyung stood up as well, Jungkook twirling the brush in his hands, watching quietly. "He might take his anger out on you."

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