one hundred seven

290 23 29

"You suck!" Jin yelled at Taehyung, Taehyung rubbing his temples. "You said you would be back before midnight and it's 2 pm the next day!"


"He's treating you well, right?" Namjoon, Jungkook, and Yoongi were all in a room with Rebecca, separate interrogations going on.

"He can be an idiot sometimes, so please be honest." Yoongi sat in a rolley chair, slowly turning in a circle.


"I was spending time with my girlfriend." Taehyung remained calm, Jin ticked off. Jimin stayed quiet, silently agreeing, Hoseok as well.

"We want to spend time with her too. She's not just yours." Hoseok pipped up, Jin pacing to release some of his steam.


"And he hasn't hurt you?" Jungkook spoke up from the corner of the room. "Not one bit?"

"Well, he took me to see his parents." Rebecca mumbled, twirling her ring.

"He what?!"


"I'll keep my distance at sound check tonight." Taehyung sighed, hating the words he was saying. He wanted to be with her, he wanted her full attention. He didn't want to share. "You guys can show her the stage and such."

"Who's driving her to the airport?"


"No no his father is wonderful, really." Rebecca looked up at all three boys, each pacing a different way. Yoongi was walking in circles, Jungkook in a square, and Namjoon back and forth. "His mother doesn't like me, and I respect that."

"What??" Jungkook halted his step, turning to her quickly. "Why?"

"I know I'm not good enough."


"No she won't want a stage hand to drive her." Jimin shook his head, standing up. "She wouldn't be comfortable."

"I wouldn't be comfortable with that." Taehyung spoke up, a bit upset that he couldn't take her to the airport.

"Did she make any friends over here that could take her?"


"Do I have to kiss you or something to tell you you are enough?" Jungkook squeezed Rebecca's cheeks, shaking her head ever so. "Woman!"

Namjoon pulled Jungkook away from her and hugged Rebecca, rubbing her back. "I know our title doesn't mean anything, but you have all of BTS wrapped around your finger Bex." Rebecca let out a weak chuckle, closing her eyes and holding on tight. "You're golden Becca, abso-fucking-lutely golden."


"Jamie!" Taehyung smiled after she answered his call, the phone on speaker. "Hey-"

"What the fuck do you want Kim?" Jamie interrupted him, most likely having her hand on her hip.

"So you like Becca, right?"

"I would kill you for her."



"But compared to you guys-" Rebecca tried to explain herself, Namjoon sat beside her, his arm around her shoulder, Jungkook and Yoongi standing in front of her, their arms crossed.

"I'm going to stop you right there." Yoongi crouched down in front of her, taking her hands. "You never, ever, compare yourself to someone, okay? You are your own you. No one else matters."


"No buts."


"I have to give her our anniversary pres-" Taehyung tried to stand up, but Jin pushed him back down, Hoseok covering his mouth with wide eyes.

"No, you're last." Jin crossed his arms, Taehyung narrowing his eyes. "We've waited since yesterday. You can wait an hour."

so i realize i have no gift ideas for becca and i'm screwed so i might just skip to the after.... opening presents are boring anyways and no one asked sO-

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