sixty eight

587 43 17

Taehyung's smile fell to nothing once the screen changed from Rebecca's phone. She was in his arms, the two on the couch together, playing a game on her phone. It was called Psych! and the rest of the boys and Sophie were playing as well. The phones connect and they play against each other, but Taehyung and Rebecca were on the same team.

"Can I answer it?" Taehyung asked Rebecca, staring at the FaceTime call from someone named, Cerys. Rebecca nodded, snuggling into his shoulder, hugging his arm with both of her's. Taehyung answered it, showing only his forehead in the call.

"Who's this?" Cerys demanded, instantly knowing that was not Rebecca's forehead.

"Rebecca's phone." Taehyung responded blankly, the sass from this girl a bit unexpected. But for Sophie and Rebecca, it was very expected from their friend.

"Yeah no shit." Cerys rolled her eyes, bringing the phone closer to her face. "Who am I talking to?" Cerys is no idiot. She's an ARMY and she recognized Taehyung's forehead, and his voice. His voice gave it away so easily. But hey, this was fun.

"U-uh, George." Taehyung swallowed, not able to come up with a better name in such a short interrogation time. Jimin started to laugh, a smile growing on Cerys' face.

"Really?" She raised an eyebrow as Taehyung shook his head in a 'yes'. "Taehyung, give the phone to Becca." Taehyung sighed and gave the phone to Becca, the phone travelling not far. Cerys narrowed her eyes once she saw Rebecca snuggled close to Taehyung.

"Hi Cerys." She spoke softly, a small smile on her face. Sophie smiled as well, tilting her head to make sure she really was smiling. And she was.

"Why the hell are you cuddling with Kim Taehyung?" Cerys demanded, Jimin and Hoseok both laughing as Taehyung smiled ever so. Rebecca sighed softly, knowing how Cerys was.

"He's my boyfriend-"

"Taehyung, get your arms off her." Cerys pointed her finger at Taehyung, yet he didn't move. "No touching before marriage."

"But Cerys-"

"Arms, off." Cerys glared at Taehyung. Rebecca looked up at Taehyung, eyes apologetic. Taehyung scooted away, but the two kept their hands interlaced with each other, Sophie taking a picture. "Good, he's gone."

"I'm right he-"

"How are you Bex?" Cerys smiled gently, Rebecca looking away, the phone no longer showing her full face, just forehead. "Come on, tell me honestly."

"The boys are all here." Rebecca flipped the camera, showing the rest of BTS and Sophie on the couch. They all smiled and waved.

"How did you manage to kidnap seven of the most famous people in the world?" Cerys chuckled, Rebecca keeping the camera on the boys.

"They came and visited me." Rebecca explained, Taehyung scooting closer to her again now that Cerys couldn't see them. "I told them to not-"

"What?!" Cerys demanded. "You didn't want BTS to come to your house are you crazy?!"

"Cerys, ease up." Sophie pursed her lips, keeping eye contact with the phone.

"Sorry, my apologies." Cerys apologized sincerely, regretting what she said. "Bec-"

"I'm gonna go Cerys. Have a good day." Rebecca ended the call immediately, making sure her phone was on silent before handing it back to Taehyung, hugging his arm once again. "We can continue." Rebecca noticed Taehyung's eyes on her so she kissed his shoulder, tapping her phone to get the game back on.

"If I remember correctly, we voted that Jimin is the one that would make out with a stranger for ice cream."


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