Drowning in your love

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The emotional outburst from Yoon Se-ri that he had just witnessed was threatening to tip his mind over into a mixture of confusion, elation and uneasiness.

Confusion, over what he should be doing next. It wasn't often that the elite soldier in Ri Jeong Hyeok found himself not knowing what to do.

Elation, at being so strongly desired by the woman who held his heart.

Uneasiness, because of his inexperience.

Of course, he is a hot-blooded man, and has heard his fair share and viewed material on sexual activity. What else did men in the military talk about in their spare time? Sex was basically one of the most popular topics among some of them.

During his days in Switzerland as a student, he has definitely visited strip clubs and table dance clubs along with some foreign friends, usually when there was a birthday to celebrate or some farewell or welcome party of sorts.

He has had buxom Caucasian ladies dance in his lap, had some try to give him a handjob for some cash...you name it.

But with Ri Jeong Hyeok being Ri Jeong Hyeok, it just wasn't his kind of thing. He surely is interested in sex and females, but also has clear preferences since his teenage days.

He knew very well what his type was.

His upbringing probably helped shape his tastes and preferences; he preferred classical music over club hits...a glass of wine over a pint of beer...and most importantly, a woman to love over a woman to sleep with casually.

When it comes to intimacy, he has always wished for an emotional and intense experience with someone he truly cares for.

He is well aware of the biological aspects of the act and what is expected of both male and female, but had no real idea of what to expect in reality.

Most of what he has done till date involved only his right hand, and in recent years, thoughts of Yoon Se-ri.

It was undeniable, that being around Yoon Se-ri always leads to immense desire on his part. He knew that if he had thrown caution to the wind and shared her bed, he would have lost self-control.

This was why he had mainly kept their interaction to kissing, hand-holding or caressing her face.

Avoiding any other deeper interaction which might leave her even lonelier in his absence, Ri Jeong Hyeok chose to channel his love into taking care of her in small, practical ways.

That's how precious she is to him.

That's how much he loves her.

But right now, Yoon Se-ri is hurting because of his love.

"A single step...should be okay."

Those words, spoken so directly from her lips, did little to prepare him for what she said in the next moment.

"Will you join me for a shower, Ri Jeong Hyeok-ssi?" Se-ri asked, her wistful eyes filled with what looked like longing and dread, before she dropped her gaze to look at the ground between them.

Standing in front of him without her usual heels, she looked even more petite and vulnerable. There was a tinge of steely resolve in her voice, but there was also fear.

Ri Jeong Hyeok knew very well at that point, that the South Korean heiress/CEO was putting all her pride and self-love on the line for their relationship.

All she wanted was closeness, after having been apart for so long.

Who was he to reject? She is his dream girl and everything more. He would be damned if he said no.

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