Dark Places

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Se-ri valiantly fought the tears that were threatening to spill forth from her eyes.

Hearing Jeong Hyeok reassure her that he regretted nothing only brought about greater melancholy, the opposite of his words' intended effect

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Hearing Jeong Hyeok reassure her that he regretted nothing only brought about greater melancholy, the opposite of his words' intended effect.

Sometimes, she would inevitably think - it would be easier to let it all go.

He would be able live up to the expectations that everyone else had of him back in Pyongyang, go on to set up a blissful family, marry a dutiful wife who would bear him children and serve the role of an ideal daughter-in-law to the Ri family.

He wanted marriage, she knew that.

She also knew he liked children; he did say he wanted twins.

How on earth could they ever achieve that, without jeopardizing anyone, including themselves?

Yet, she couldn't find it within herself to let him go.

He wasn't perfect. Neither was she, but they were perfect for each other.

Stubbornly, hopelessly, clinging on to each other – that was what they were doing.

Yet he would be leaving soon.

One week had already gone by.

Then, just as her traitorous mind was once again sending her into the familiar dark place filled with guilt, helplessness and uncertainty, his lips met hers.

Gentle initially, his slightly chapped lips nudged against her strawberry balm-coated ones, as if comforting her.

Between kisses, she persisted in her growing angst. "I am really nothing but trouble-"

She didn't deserve him; she hid her insecurities with haughtiness and constant bragging. Deep down, she knew the truth; she was so flawed as a human being.

But here he was, loving her unconditionally despite all her emotional issues and struggles.

Another kiss.

"Then I'm willingly burdened."

"It is always easier said than done." Her tone was resigned. Even back then in the military village, when the villagers were unaware of her real background, they had initially thought she was in no way good enough for Jeong Hyeok.

The truth is way worse. Because of you, he is fraternizing with the enemy, with no chance of a normal life, the voice in her mind nagged.

"I don't think I deserve you, Ri Jeong Hyeok-ssi."

"That part was never for you to decide, Yoon Se-ri."

Her tears fell; honestly, it would be easier if he was nasty to her. This display of tenderness and selflessness was more painful by any standards.

She was trying very hard to keep her emotions in check, but Se-ri knew she was spiraling.

It was very, very difficult to feel optimistic about their situation.

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