A Capitalist Heart

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"Good morning. Did you sleep well? Don't forget to go to breakfast at The Pavilion."

That was at 08:05.

Day 3, Monday. Jeong Hyeok had to be at work for almost the entire morning and afternoon.

Sleep gradually fading from her mind, Se-ri sat up in the empty double bed, reading the messages off the screen of her cellphone. It was already 9:15 in the morning.

It has been so long since she got such good sleep. She stretched languidly, only to wince as a certain spot felt rather...sore.

Se-ri was no virgin, but Jeong Hyeok had been very, very enthusiastic.

Still slightly groggy with sleep and what could be post-coital bliss, she recalled their conversation as they drifted off to sleep side by side.

"I thought you were inexperienced, Ri Jeong Hyeok-ssi? How did you learn to tease like that...? You were surprisingly...confident."

A fleeting moment of silence lapsed.

"If I tell you it's because I've rehearsed this mentally for at least a thousand times," He locked eyes with her in a gaze so intense; Se-ri actually instinctively tried to avert the eye contact.

"Would you believe me?"

OMO. He is really a lethal combination of cuteness and smoldering sexiness.

"I'm honestly having some doubts." She narrowed her eyes, though the small upturn of her lips spoke otherwise.

"Yoon Se-ri..."

There it was - the famed Ri Jeong Hyeok pout, with the killer add-on of a sad, puppy-like frown.

"I'm working very hard to be a competent lover. But here you are, doubting-"



"My sweet little Hyeokky, are you sad? Please don't be, I'm sorry."

He nodded, snuggling closer to bury his face in her bosom.

"I love you so much."

"Me too."

Somehow, just like that, both drifted off to sleep.

Se-ri continued reading the messages.

At 08:27, there was another one which had come in. "I am safely at the university."

Ahhh yes. Work.

The text message was accompanied by a selfie of Jeong Hyeok against what must be the entrance of one of the music halls of Zurich University of the Arts.

She chuckled; He was clearly not very used to this selfie thing, seeing how he took it from an angle which would surely have given most others an unflattering double chin

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She chuckled; He was clearly not very used to this selfie thing, seeing how he took it from an angle which would surely have given most others an unflattering double chin.

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