The road to healing

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The breathtaking panoramic beauty of Lake Brienz, Lake Thun, Jungfrau among other stunning sights were in full display from where she was at Harder Kulm Panorama Restaurant.

The breathtaking panoramic beauty of Lake Brienz, Lake Thun, Jungfrau among other stunning sights were in full display from where she was at Harder Kulm Panorama Restaurant

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"This would be nice. That's when we went tandem paragliding, isn't it? You're smiling very sweetly here."

She returned his compliment with a radiant, beaming smile.

"I'll put this in the list then."

The mountains and the lakes silently accompanied the North and South Korean couple, who were slowly looking through the pictures they had taken earlier on this trip as they waited for their dinner to be served.

Se-ri had requested for Jeong Hyeok to bring some of their photos back to North Korea to show the Company Five boys and the ladies in the village, and both were in the process of selecting the shots for printing.

"I like this one." Se-ri showed Jeong Hyeok her phone screen, eliciting a bashful smile from the typically-reserved pianist.

It was a shot of the two of them taken at the overhanging Zwei-Seen-Steg, or Two Lakes Bridge, with the Alps shrouded in a dignified glow in the background.

They had requested another tourist's help, but just before the photo could be taken, Se-ri had stood on tiptoes and planted a kiss on Jeong Hyeok's cheek.

That moment would forever be frozen in this photo, she thought endearingly.

"Umm...are you sure about that one?" Jeong Hyeok asked apprehensively.

"What's wrong with it? I think it looks really good! You're such a cutie when you're caught by surprise."


Se-ri narrowed her eyes and asked with a teasing smile. "Ri Jeong Hyeok-ssi. Are you worried about Pyo Chi Su's reaction?"

"No! Why would I be?" Jeong Hyeok was a little too defensive, eliciting a laugh from Se-ri.

Honestly, he could be so manly yet so child-like, so passionate yet so oddly bashful at times.

"He should have gotten used to it by now." Se-ri chuckled. "It's okay! We shall print it out then. I really love this shot."

She continued scrolling through the photos on her phone placed on the table between them, as he contentedly gazed at the screen.

"How about this one?"

It was a photo of the two of them standing in front of Schlosskirche, a castle church built in 1133.

Jeong Hyeok peered at it, before pointing out matter-of-factly with knitted brows. "Well, it looks just like 90% of all the pictures we took."


North or South.

Even East or West. They can be so clueless at times.

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