Fly home safely, my little swallow

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Kim Yoon Hee flipped through the photo album in her lap, fondly gazing upon the faces of her smiling boys, frozen in time.

Kim Yoon Hee flipped through the photo album in her lap, fondly gazing upon the faces of her smiling boys, frozen in time

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One would never have the chance to smile again.

The other lost his smile and did not seem capable of finding it back.

She had been elated to know that the latter was coming back to visit today.

Jeong Hyeok had returned from Switzerland four weeks ago, but he had seemed too busy to make a trip back home.

All he did was to call the next morning after flying back from Zurich, to tell her he was safely back in his apartment, and to ask if everything was well at home.

His tone had been detached, but she knew better than to read into it. Jeong Hyeok had been behaving like this for years, since Mu Hyeok's passing.

It was only when he moved to Pyongyang, did her only surviving son make a greater effort in coming home for dinner every now and then.

Conversation was always limited to what was absolutely necessary. Most of the time, it was just her talking, with him nodding away as he listened.

 Most of the time, it was just her talking, with him nodding away as he listened

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Deep down, Yoon Hee always knew that her younger son has a heart of gold.

Soft-spoken, friendly, immensely sensitive and artistically-inclined - that was Ri Jeong Hyeok.

Since he was a little boy, Jeong Hyeok always had the habit of helping others, and bringing home little animals in need.

Even as a grown man, she wasn't surprised that the first thing he had asked, on a rare occasion when he came home, was about the ostrich at the front gate.

Typically in North Korea, there is hardly any concept of pet ownership. Jeong Hyeok has always been very unique in this way, Kim Yoon Hee fondly thought.

Even though her husband Ri Jeong Ryeol, a seasoned military man, was constantly worried that their younger son was 'too soft' in his childhood and had tried ways and means to toughen the boy up, Jeong Hyeok had never let it stop him.

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