Little Cow

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The first message she had received upon touching down at Incheon International Airport read,

"You must be safely back in South Korea. I hope you were a good girl and didn't cry too much.

By the way, I think you might have accidentally kept my lip balm along with your x number of lipsticks."

It was poignant to hear from Jeong Hyeok.

Ironically, with her parents around, talking to her about visiting her niece, grief did not quite have a chance to strike.

The three of them were chauffeured back to Seoul from Incheon by her father's chauffeur, who subsequently dropped Se-ri off at her apartment in Gangnam.

Going home to a spacious, empty apartment felt exceptionally lonely.

Dragging her luggage into her bedroom, Se-ri laid it down onto the ground, deftly releasing the password-protected lock.

In a mere two weeks, she had allowed herself to get so used to Jeong Hyeok's presence in a homely setting.

Right now, the withdrawal symptoms were coming at her with a vengeance.

"Ri Jeong Hyeok-ssi." She said to nowhere in particular. Her voice, laced with self-mocking loneliness, was jarringly loud against the silence. "What have you done to me?"

His presence was still such a fresh memory.

"I miss you."

She didn't even know why she bothered, waiting for a response that would never come.

Once again, she found herself detesting this feeling. Among the sadness, was a constant burning sense of frustration and indignation over why they had to suffer so much as a couple.

Turning on 'Song for Brother' on her trusty voice recorder, Se-ri softly hummed along as she started to unpack her luggage.

The laundry can wait.

She would just pick her essentials out, and deal with the other items later on.

Toner, serum and moisturizer...

...they must be in the vanity pouch.

Wrapping her hand around the top handle of her vanity pouch, she pulled it out from among the folded clothes and souvenirs to retrieve her essentials.

Randomly, Se-ri recalled that Jeong Hyeok had mentioned something about his lip balm being accidentally kept away with her lipsticks.

Unzipping the pouch, the heiress saw something that made her do a double take.

Jeong Hyeok's lip balm, the one in the blue casing that she had seen many times in their time together, was nowhere to be seen.

Instead, there was a small gift box.

Picking it up, Se-ri undid the ribbon around the box to reveal...

...a quintessentially Swiss and quaint cowbell necklace in silver.

a quintessentially Swiss and quaint cowbell necklace in silver

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